أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
1. Linkedin
2. Google Scholar
3. Publon
Google Docs, Mendeley, Google Keep
Google Drive
There are various softwarea avaible on line to help organise the research work. for example: zotero, mendley. A.nnotate. These software are available freeof cost and are user frinedly to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources from your browser. one can also make a profile on google scholar to track their publications and citation. These cites provide you with various kind of quality measures such as I index, H index etc.
Google Drive, Google Docs and Google Sheet is very reliable tools.
1.Google Scholar
2.Science Direct
3.Research Gate
I personally use Trello as I find it to be flexible, whether I am using it to organise research or manage projects. Apart from that, there is also Mendeley (more so for academic purposes), OneNote, Notion, Google Keep and many more. It just boils down to your preference and whether you find its user interface to be adaptable and convenient for the intended use.
Google Docs, Google Drive, LinkedIn, Grammarly
1. google Scholar
2. Scrivener
3. Mendeley
4. Zotero
5. Diigo
7. End note basic
You can use several free tools to organize your research. For instance, Zotero is great for managing references and sources. Mendeley also helps with organizing PDFs and citations. If you're more into task management, Trello is great for tracking research progress, and Google Keep is a simple tool for jotting down ideas and notes.