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How to success an interview at ikea for customer services job?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Nour Al Jbour , Sales Regional Manager , ATIA Ltd
تاريخ النشر: 2019/05/12
Alia  Hassan
من قبل Alia Hassan , Head of Human Resources , Al Hurreyah for consulting

Hi there!

For a successful customer services interview you have to remember to show up to your interview well dressed and early, make sure you have multiple clean and professional copies of your resume.

Start the conversation off with a friendly and firm handshake. Make eye contact, remain engaged in the conversation and answer the questions your hiring manager asks you with confidence and honesty.

And don't forget to offer friendly smiles, It's all about smile!

Good Luck :)

Rajendra Kapote
من قبل Rajendra Kapote , Head HR , Educational NGO

How to get success in an interview for customer services job?         

1.      First get the details of vacancy and job description of the same. This would tell you what are the salient features of the job and the required skill sets. If you have those skill sets, you can aspire to be there. Please carry one copy of cv for interview. It is better to try jobs as per the relevant formal education or studies, that you have undertaken in the past.

2.      Visit the Company’s website and find out activities and collect a few details of its competitors and the advantages of the company .You must know their products or services offered by the Company to the clients. Keep General details handy, like when it was established, when it started making profit or current profitability, how they regard employee assets etc.

3.      Please reach venue 20 minutes before the scheduled time of interview and keep a copy of your CV ready with you. Be appropriately dressed for the occasion.

4.      Identify your 5 or 6 reasons to land in that job role. Keep your details of your personal abilities and therefore the selling points ready. When you say you have successfully faced an interview in fact you are conveying world that you have sold yourself successfully.  Do not forget listening is a great art. The interviewer may ask you about your other general interests so be ready to face that question too. This would help you to impress interviewer to prove your interest in that job.

5.      Think positive and use body language appropriately during the progress of the interview.

6.      There are always a few general questions being aired by the interviewer so please prepare their answers in advance. Examples:-

a)     Tell us about yourself and your career aspirations?

b)     Would you accept a transfer within organisation for career, if need be.

c)      Why did you opt for a particular subject at undergraduate level and what extra learnings you have made in that subject?

d)     What are your hobbies?

e)     How do you manage when you are tense?

7.      The interviewer may enquire at the endo of the interview, if you have any questions?

Make it a point to ask relevant questions; please do not keep him engaged unnecessarily for the sake of asking irrelevant questions.

Carrying out rehearsals before the date of interview may be a good idea.

8.      Avoid cross questioning interviewer once you know his mind set on a given idea. If the question aired is too personal, you can politely say so. Always remember, the interviewers are generally make up their mind in initial period of interview and then keep on testing if their opinion about candidate needs any correction. So try to impress the interviewer in first few minutes.

9.       Do thank Interviewer for the opportunity to appear for interview, while leaving.

Lungelo Alfred Mpofu
من قبل Lungelo Alfred Mpofu , Information Officer , Zimbabwe International Trade Fair

For a customer services job you have to show how well you can communicate effectively in both writing and speaking using both traditional and new media. You also have to show full knowledge of the company's goals and mission statement as they will guide you in coming up with strategies so as to meet those goals. Since the main focus in a customer services job is to make the customer happy and solving any problems the customer may have personal skills also play a major role. You have to be talkative, a good listener, innovative and energetic because you always have to smile when talking to a customer.

Ernesto Briza
من قبل Ernesto Briza , Project Manager , QP-AMWAJ CATERING SERVICES

Just be yourself, honest and you must always have a heart of good business sense and wrap your whole being of light spirit. This is aside from you are being prepared in an interview. At the begining and in the end entrust everything to our creator because He is the one who knows best for you (unless you are devoted in this way). 

Julius Wambua
من قبل Julius Wambua , Store Assistant Supervisor , ISG JV - Salini Impregilo

As an enthusiastic customer service representative, you should be armed with unique skills such as, good listening and communications, issue resolution, sound knowledge of products/services and high levels of customer care. You have also to have sound knowledge of etiquette and ethics to successfully satisfy customer needs, concerns and complaints.

Alouatni Tariq
من قبل Alouatni Tariq , موظف خدمة عملاء , QIC

To be a good customer service, a good lisner and u being polite, understanding. Helpfull be a stronger worker and working ander stress Cos the customer service is more about customers satisfaction and Mike them happy and loyal to the company

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