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NSF to PST Converter ?

With the help of NSF to PST converter, you can convert NSF data into Outlook PST. Before the actual conversion you can also be able to see the preview of the recovered mailbox, then convert the data into multiple file formats like PST, EML, EMLX, vCal, vCard, etc. it supports Lotus Notes version9.0.1,9.0,8.5,8.0.2,7.0,6.5,6.0, and5.0. It also supports the Office& Live exchange server. You can also take a free demo of emails per folder. It provides*7 technical support to the user.

Read More Info: https://ats-for-nsf-to-pst-converter.en.softonic.com

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل stonio lores
تاريخ النشر: 2020/02/27
Marie John
من قبل Marie John , seo executive , StillbonSoftware

I would like to suggest you to try ZOOK NSF to PST Converter for the safe conversion of the NSF emails to PST format. It assures no data loss throughout the conversion process. Users can export bulk NSF emails at once with all the attachments embedded in it. It is supportable with all the IBM Lotus Notes editions such as Lotus Notes 9.0.1/9.0/8.5/8.0/7.5, etc.

It is capable enough to preserve the entire metadata and RTF formatting of the files intact even after the conversion process.


Read more details at:-  NSF to Outlook Converter

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