ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


How to persuade a sole source supplier ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Rami Abdulla Ali Katee , Logistics Officer , ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
تاريخ النشر: 2013/11/02
Faisal Ba-aqeel
من قبل Faisal Ba-aqeel , Procurement Manager , Confidential

In this case, I agree that the supplier is in a strong situation but still he is a salesman !! who is looking to gain a benefit.

So in this situation, as much as the buyer knows about the sales skills !! he would understand the supplier and reduce the gap to close the deals at a fair level. Also he may uses the other ways to support the supplier like to be friendly and build a good impression and support (like follow his payments up and ensure it will be done on time or whenever the supplier faces something with my company I finish it for him ...etc) and that will make me attract the supplier to my side.

The buyer should keep in his mind that he is not always in a strong positions (as many people are having this wrong thought) because you may have a low demand and orders !! or sole source supplier !! so in those cases the buyer has to be innovative.


Best Regards,


amer jayyousi
من قبل amer jayyousi , Business Development Consultant , freelance

listen to him ,ask  what does he really need from an agent,ask and listen,ask and listen,ask and listen,you will hear the magic word.

once you know what he exactly wants ,evaluate what you really want.

set negotiation based on needs. once you know what he really needs or wants which will not be what you want,give him what is of less value to you and more to him.

work on a win win


elfatih mohamed ali Ali
من قبل elfatih mohamed ali Ali , Procurement and Logistic Officer , Sudanese Microfinance Development Facility SMDF

·         Design and tailor fair contract

·         Easy schedule of payment

·         Flexibility in the delivery schedule

·         Pave the way in obtain government certificate to facilitate his mission

·         Explain the credibility of your company and its reputation among vendors

Nadeem Asghar
من قبل Nadeem Asghar , Supply Chain Consultant/Trainer , Independent Practitioner

This is indeed a difficult and tricky situation. In fact, there are very very rare situation where alternate product or alternate sources is not available. The only factor is that such alternate solutions are not feasible in the given cirmstances and parameters.So the buyer has the option,although may be very expensive or difficult one, to move away from so-called single source. The diemma is that you do not want to lose the supplier and on the other hand, you also want your objectives to be achieved. So it is a situation which requires WIn-Win sort of solution. First of all, the relationship with the supplier esp in such cases MUST be based on mutual trust and confidence. Each party must make the other aware of pros-cons of deviating ffrom a path or puuling things for his benefit. 

Dick Chapman
من قبل Dick Chapman , Area Asset Manager North East & Scotland , Northgate Vehicle Hire

My belief is that a sole supplier is the wrong option and should be avoided.  You lose competition and advantage with a sole supplier.  They may take advantage and try to dominate costs and delivery as you have no else to turn

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