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Web Developers: What is the cost of building an Udemy clone?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Jamie Mcguire , Web Developer , Freelancer
تاريخ النشر: 2021/01/18
Hector Lamb
من قبل Hector Lamb , Full Stack Developer , Web Devoloper

It is important to go through the reason as to why would you need a clone app for Udemy and not of any other e-learning app. Udemy is a market leader in the e-learning space so deciding to know the cost of Udemy clone app development is no surprise.


Features that make Udemy Special

· Simple and Organized Content Categories

· Dividing course into small episodes

· Course description and access to review

· Course Discussion Forums

· Multiple subject Course Offerings

Panels required for successful Udemy Clone Operation

1. Admin Panel

2. Tutor Panel

3. User App and WebSite


Considering each of the points in detail would lead you in deriving the cost to develop a Udemy clone is $15K - $45K.

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