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I want develop a chatting app in android? What is best library or sdk to handle huge number of users?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Evan Dawson , Full Stack Developer , Web Devous
تاريخ النشر: 2021/07/15
Micheal Norris
من قبل Micheal Norris , Full Stack Developer , Developers India

There is n number of technologies that can be used to develop a chatting app in android. So deciding the best library without understanding the base requirement would not result in a useful outcome.

Depending on the features you choose to develop and their complexity is the deciding factor for the technology to be used.

For Example, Whatsapp & Telegram are both chatting apps but their sub-features are highly differentiable and thus they are not based on the same development technologies.

Now considering the chatting app that has the major characteristics of WhatsApp and some characteristics of Telegram I can help you with a library that would cover the majority of the chatting app requirements.

Please note I’m a professional developer with 8 years of experience in developing similar apps. The best library suitable for chatting app development can be referred below


For more details like Features, Cost, on Chatting app Development you can refer to the article our organization wrote below


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