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What is the best way to develop a chat app in Android with regard to language and architecture?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Micheal Norris , Full Stack Developer , Developers India
تاريخ النشر: 2021/07/16
Hector Lamb
من قبل Hector Lamb , Full Stack Developer , Web Devoloper

The Architecture and Language to be used for chat app development in android can only be decided if you have a clear answer to the features you would like to implement in the platform.

The feature will help in building the architecture of the app as to where it would yield a better user experience and that same feature will help in deciding the advanced technology required to build a chat app.

The general feature that would be a must in a chat app is

· Registration

· One device access

· Access contacts that are using the chat app

· Message contacts

· Send documents and media files to contacts

· Create profile & Update details

· Share last seen & Active status inside the chat

· Share delivery and read receipts.

One surely has the option to add advanced features like payment, voice and video call, etc.

The best tech stack that can cover all the basic features required in a chat app and some of the advanced like voice and video call can be referred below



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