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What is the Oracle ADF and Middleware Scope in Gulf for developers ?

We are Java Developer So many open Source frameworks available for web application development in Java. Why Oracle ADF JDeveloper have future.

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Maroof Ahmad , Project Lead , Tech Mahindra
تاريخ النشر: 2013/11/12
Sherif ElKiki
من قبل Sherif ElKiki , Technical Manager , AUC , American University in Cairo

PL/SQL was Oracle programming tool mainly for Forms , but it was replaced by Java and ADF instead .Of course; Java is much better than PL/SQL and has more capabilities ; besides, it is more global and has more developers. ADF replaced Forms and ApEx tool for Wed applications !! Software houses and developers are very happy because they introduced their services to convert old apps to support new Oracle products . Claims of ones are benefits for others !!! Sherif ElKiki BI Consultant Email Mobile

Murad  shilbayeh
من قبل Murad shilbayeh , Analyst/Programmer , Royal Scientific Society

i have good experience IN adf , apex  

Maria jayaraj pushparaj
من قبل Maria jayaraj pushparaj , ADF Developer , HCL Technologies


This is Application development framework .

Provide commercial java framework for  build enterprise application.

It provides visual and declarative approaches to Java EE development.

It supports RAP  based on ready-to-use design patterns metadata  deiven and visual tools



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