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Do you apply the extended marketing mix (the 7ps) when setting new marketing activities/plans? Is it applicable for all types of businesses?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ahmed Elkhodiry , Regional Consultant , Euromonitor International
تاريخ النشر: 2013/11/20
مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

The marketing mix is about tactics: you have your message and your targets, and you choose tactics to send that message to the right place. That could be social media, website, advertising in print, radio, television, articles, your blog, contests, whatever ... marketing mix is a delightful smorgasbord of  possibilities. The core of your planned strategy is made up of your identity, your target market, and your strategic focus. Identity is about your strengths and weaknesses, what you do well, what you like to do. Your target market is who you are addressing, whose problem you hope to solve, who wants what you're selling. And strategic focus is about what you don't do. It's matching your business offering to your identity and your target market. So the marketing mix is about choosing tactics, specific marketing activities, that match your strategy. There's no 'best practices' in this area, it's not like there is some answer out there, for your type of business, that you are looking to find. No. Instead of that, you develop a combination of marketing tactics that optimize your identity and your communications to your target market. The fact that it's event planning makes no difference. It's not like there is a special marketing mix for each type of business; you decide what works for you, your resources, your identity, your target market, and your strategic focus

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

7P's and4 C's is always important for any business for setting up a marketing plan , if its product or service driven business yes marketing mix surely plays an important role . Its now days a market untill people dont see and feel it dont go ahead and buy and people are becoming more concerned about brands than before as brand means untrusted quality. Anyone can buy a known product /service without second thought but a new product /service will find it difficult untill unless it been proven or already been used by someone and have claimed its durability, quality and other factors for people to believe in it.


Abdulbaqi Seraj El-Din
من قبل Abdulbaqi Seraj El-Din , مدير المبيعات والتسويق , مجموعة شركات سمارت ستون


مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

Yes we do, but it's not applicable for all types of businesses.

Slavica Kovacheva
من قبل Slavica Kovacheva , Senior Regional Sales Manager , Future Energy- Fenergy

Yes,7P  is applicable for all kinds of business! We can't  exclude the meaning, the exsistance, and the natural need  of other3P ( PEOPLE, PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT AND PROCES  as a segments of marketing mix from any business activity. 

من قبل IRPHAN GHANI , Senior Management , A

These are the basic important ingredients of marketing and the same may not apply on all types of businesses.

Govind Haridas
من قبل Govind Haridas , Manager of Corporate

The extended marketing mix is predominantly applicable to "services marketing" as the model by itself is tailor made for formulating plans for marketing services.

On the other hand4p's marketing mix is more apt for "product marketing" where the focus is on showcasing the value of products. 

Ziyad Abu Alrob
من قبل Ziyad Abu Alrob , Country Manager , Jerusalem Pharmaceutical Company

7 Ps analysis is applicable for all kinds, but for simplicity we often use4 Ps.

AjIth Kumar Damodar
من قبل AjIth Kumar Damodar , Group Business Manager , Redington India Ltd

The use of the7 P's and other tools  is only to ensure

1] You have understood the market place better

2] How to make  your offering acceptable  in the market place 

3] Changes if any you need to  make 

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