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Is advertising online enough for start-up companies or organizations?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل George Durzi , Senior Media Performance Manager - Middle East & Africa , Dyson
تاريخ النشر: 2012/12/03
Peggy Traboulsi Chamoun
من قبل Peggy Traboulsi Chamoun , Marketing Director , Bayt.com

Online advertising is instrumental and key to success provided it is SMART.
The challenge is to identify the best strategy and the right mix that best fits the brand and that delivers the right message in order to create impulse conversion.
Budget permitting online advertising should be one activity of a fully intergrated marketing campaign online and offline.

Marina Abaza
من قبل Marina Abaza , Project Assistant (Case Management) , International Organisation

I think the key to success in an advertising is to have a good mix of advertising and not have your eggs in one basket!

Mohsin Ali
من قبل Mohsin Ali , Digital Marketing Strategist , Clayive Digital

Mix of advertising works better than just online advertising.

Aziz ur Rehman Qureshi
من قبل Aziz ur Rehman Qureshi , Business Strategist and Partner , AvenirTec

In my opinion, online advertising for startups is a good option because it's inexpensive and have great exposure.
Startups should consult with professionals or agency for online advertising as they know how and when to pull the strings for the maximum gains.

Faizan Ahmad
من قبل Faizan Ahmad , Regional Head - Digital Sales , Kasturi and Sons Ltd (The Hindu Group)

Advertising is a tool which connect organization to its consumer.
SO, to get connected to your prospective consumer you need to advertise to spread the communication about your product and services.
For start up companies or organization, i guess you should take help both online & offline media.
Medium of communication totally depend on the target group you want to cater to.
Suppose if you want to target C level audience i guess the online medium will work well but if your target group belongs to lower strata of the society you will have to take help of print & TV or even the OOH as a medium to communicate as there is a high possibility that they will have less exposure to the new virtual online world.
So, selection of the medium of communication more of less depends on the Place, Price and type of product you want to promote.

Farhan Kamal
من قبل Farhan Kamal , Sr. Manager Marketing , ITSec Limited UK

Startup companies usually do NOT require advertising ( online or offline).
This is usually more true for technology based startups.
Google, Yahoo, Facebook, YouTube, apple, dropbox, airbnb are some powerful examples of companies that primarily focused on their users to spread the word for them.
So if you have a very good product, you may focus on improving it and the customers will follow.
Having said that, online advertising sure is a good way for startups looking for their few initial customers.

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

If we are talking about political or gouvernemental organisation; in my opinion your audience may be larger than a the 2.0 community.
I suggest in this case to use offline advertising.
For start up and small businesses digital communication open the door to a lot of opportunities.
And this can help to get a real position in their field and market.

Syed Waqas Saghir
من قبل Syed Waqas Saghir , Independent Digital Marketing Consultant , Brainy Bulls

Of-course Online Advertisement can be one of the best way to promote new companies/organization specially when it comes for Web Promotions, Online Marketing Strategies, Internet Promotions, Press Releases, Social Media Engagement, branding etc.
But one thing that needs to very focus is that the Online advertisement should not be done only to get new users, new clients, nor a branding but ofocurse like to create a perfect icommunity where users, clients even your competitors would love to engage with them frequently.
Have a Nice Day.
Syed Waqas Saghir Internet Marketing Expert, SEO Consultant, Social Media Evangelist.
http://www.facebook.com/syedwaqassaghir http://www.cointelligence.co

Of course online advertising is enough for start-ups, but not every online marketing channel is a one-size-fits all for all companies.
Every Internet marketing strategy begins with your company's main goal & USP (Unique Selling Proposition) then transitions into deep competition analysis utilizing the Google, Bing, Yahoo search, Social media Bottlenose search software or other research services.
While analyzing the competition the company has to answer these questions in an excel spread sheet: 1.
Who are your competitors? 2.
What are they saying to your ideal customers? ex.
what are their USPs, Hooks, Angles, Taglines, VPs or Bonuses 3.
How are they making money? ex.
using lead magnets, social media, press releases, white papers, pricing structures, revenue streams.
What are they doing well? 5.
What are they doing wrong or badly? 6.
How are they keeping their customers happy (or not)? 7.
How are they perceived by their customers? Once this startup company has the right info from their competitors and their ideal customer profile with Avatar, demographics, psychographics and how they would talk, then they could figure out what online marketing channel would be needed in order to be a success right out of the gate.
Tip: When doing this research, you want to do it from the perspective of your ideal customer and not from your own perspective.
Let's look at some of the different startups that come online looking for the gold mine of prospects (There's many): Technology (Non-physical products) B2B Companies with physical products or services Restaurants or Bars Retail shops online and offline Construction companies etc.
Anything you can think of in the view of thousands of different niches are online, so looking to incorporate every online marketing strategy into the different startups coming online would waste valuable time and resources that could've been used elsewhere to make a startup company successful.
A technology company might sell specialty software products to other companies, utilizing a combination of white papers, website information, email lists, executive magazines, an internal sales team and/or a LinkedIn group for this particular niche.
It might not be so good for this company to use display advertising or Google Adwords to push their software products to companies.
That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to strategizing different channels and options to marketing a startup online.
When it comes to a company finding different ways to use different marketing channels online there are a lot of moving parts in the marketing machine, so I could fill up 2 or 3 pages of solutions but wouldn't even scratch the surface.
Hope this helps, and have fun Marketing your startup online Phillip MacDonald Digital Marketing lover, SEO, Competition Analyzer and strategizer LinkedIn: (لقد تم حذف الرابط بسبب انتهاكه لسياسة الموقع. يرجى التواصل مع قسم الدعم لمزيد من المعلومات.)

raja hagui smati
من قبل raja hagui smati , communication specialist , MOPH

In my opinion , i find that online advertising is nowadays very important for startups because most of consumers use these new technologies, but i see that is not the only tool which they should use...its depending to Target public the company aimed by advertising.
Its dependes also to the objective of advertising.
In my opinion the advertiser have to answer to the five questions (WH questions) of any commercial action to choose finally the adequate kind of advertising ( online, in newspaper, in TV, B to B.....)

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