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what are the implications of incorporating marketing, operations, administration,hr to the roles of the finance manager

does it advantage the finance manager in terms of ascending to CEO position or it merely reduces the level of competence with numbers

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل davies muntanga , Finance & Human Resource Manager , Zambezi Sawmills Ltd
تاريخ النشر: 2013/05/24
Lamia Matoussi
من قبل Lamia Matoussi , Consultant , Deutsche Schule Tunisien

Nowdays we talk about integrated stream of work, which not only meams that the flow of information should be at its perfect way, but also enough understanding of each department of the busisness they are doing, which also means that not only the Finanace/Controlling department should understant the work rund, vconstraints, needs etc of other department and keep on inteeract with them, but also the other depattment shozld understant th epertinenace of their decision in terms of profit/loss or stakeholders impact.
From my experience the daily meetings can iprove the stream of work but there is still the problem inside the departments which depend on Dep managers    

Tahir Mahmood
من قبل Tahir Mahmood , Freelance Accountant , Mazdoo Accounting

Some Finance Manager think that they are the solely has view over the business however the Finance Manager should work in his own area but his advice can play a vital role rather than of his involvement.

Mayeso Linden
من قبل Mayeso Linden

Merging roles like marketing, operations, admin, and HR with a finance manager's duties can offer a comprehensive view of a digital casino's operations. A finance manager with a grasp of marketing can allocate budgets effectively, perhaps to promotions like those at HouseofPokies. Understanding operations might help pinpoint cost-saving areas. Incorporating HR responsibilities involves overseeing salaries and hiring, crucial in deciding compensations for roles like game developers. Administrative tasks include managing licenses and partnerships, ensuring compliance. However, taking on multiple roles can lead to oversights and errors due to increased workload. Balancing these responsibilities is essential for effective management.

Aamir Salim
من قبل Aamir Salim , Finance Manager , Regional Petroleum Products

Assigning marketing, operations, administration, and HR responsibilities to a finance manager can be a double-edged sword. Here's a breakdown of the potential upsides and downsides:


  • Broader Perspective: Finance managers gain a more holistic understanding of the business by understanding how their decisions impact other departments. This allows for more informed financial choices that consider the bigger picture.
  • Strategic Alignment: When the finance manager grasps marketing goals, operational costs, and HR needs, they can better align financial strategies with the overall business strategy. This fosters a more cohesive approach.
  • Potential Cost Savings: Streamlining functions under one manager can lead to cost savings through combined resource allocation and streamlined processes. Overlapping tasks might be identified and eliminated.


  • Workload and Expertise: The expanded role can significantly increase workload. The finance manager might not have the necessary expertise in all these areas, potentially leading to inefficiencies in some departments.
  • Time Management: Juggling diverse tasks can make it difficult for the finance manager to focus on core financial responsibilities like budgeting, forecasting, and risk management. Core tasks might get neglected.
  • Decision-Making: Adding oversight of other areas could dilute the finance manager's authority in purely financial matters. Their voice on purely financial matters might carry less weight.

Making it Work:

  • Company Size: This approach is often more suitable for smaller companies where a single manager can wear multiple hats and departments are less siloed.
  • Managerial Skills: The finance manager needs strong leadership, communication, and delegation skills to effectively manage diverse teams. They need to be able to delegate effectively.
  • Team Support: Providing support staff or delegating tasks to specialists within these areas can help manage the workload. Assigning specialists within the newly incorporated departments can free up the finance manager's time.

Overall, incorporating these additional responsibilities requires careful consideration. While it can be beneficial for smaller companies or create a more strategic finance role, it's crucial to ensure the finance manager has the capacity and expertise to handle the expanded workload effectively.

Muhammad Rizwan Syed
من قبل Muhammad Rizwan Syed , Manager Finance , Mirfa International Power & Water Co PJSC

For a control point of view.. Finance manager must have idea what is happening in other departments. How departments are working. But clubbing all the roles under his authority is not a good idea. Its a time of specialization. Professionals should be hired for each segments... The one who supervises all of the roles is actually a CEO or MD not finance Manager....

Romould Malayao
من قبل Romould Malayao , Material Expeditor , Maaden Phosphate Company

Incorporating of those selected major department's roles to the role of the finance manager would be of great help, not only from among the areas mentioned but also for the whole company. Roles of finance manager alone would not be credible & reliable enough to govern and manage his department if some areas are not cooperating to incorporate their unique and brilliant concepts and ideas. 


Incorporating those mentioned areas roles will be of MAJOR ACHEIVEMENT of the whole company to UNIFY their ONE GOAL, ONE VISION and ONE MISSION.


Incorporating those mentioned roles of some areas would implicate to a positive and productive result, and will leads also to a STRONG FOUNDATION OF EACH AREAS and of course for the WHOLE MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY!

Jeams Cole
من قبل Jeams Cole , Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) , Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)

Incorporating marketing, operations, administration, and HR into the roles of the finance manager can have significant implications for the organization. By integrating these functions, the finance manager gains a more holistic view of the business operations and can make more informed decisions that align with the overall strategic goals of the company. Here are some key implications:

  1. Improved Strategic Decision-Making: When the finance manager has a deep understanding of marketing strategies, operational processes, administrative functions, and HR policies, they can better align financial decisions with the broader business objectives. This integration allows for a more comprehensive approach to decision-making that takes into account various aspects of the organization.

  2. Enhanced Cross-Functional Collaboration: Bringing together different departments under the oversight of the finance manager fosters collaboration and communication across functions. This can lead to improved efficiency, better resource allocation, and a more cohesive approach to achieving organizational goals.

  3. Better Risk Management: By incorporating marketing, operations, administration, and HR into financial decision-making processes, the finance manager can assess risks more comprehensively. Understanding how different functions interact with each other allows for a more integrated risk management strategy that addresses potential challenges from multiple angles.

  4. Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings: Integrating these functions can streamline processes and eliminate redundancies, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings for the organization. The finance manager can identify opportunities to optimize resources and improve overall financial performance by leveraging insights from various departments.

  5. Enhanced Performance Measurement: By incorporating marketing, operations, administration, and HR data into financial analysis, the finance manager can develop more robust performance metrics that provide a comprehensive view of the organization’s health. This integrated approach enables better tracking of key performance indicators across different functions.

  6. Improved Communication and Transparency: Integrating these functions promotes transparency within the organization as different departments work together towards common goals. The finance manager plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between departments and ensuring that financial information is effectively shared across the organization.

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