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ASP .NET web forms vs ASP .NET MVC, what do you think? Do you think it's the end of the web forms, or we can mix and mingle the two technologies?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Ahmad Anbari , Software System Engineer , Continental Jet Services FZCO
تاريخ النشر: 2013/11/20
Ibrahim Magdy
من قبل Ibrahim Magdy , Advanced Senior Software Engineer , Honeywell

I don't think it is a good idea to mix and mingle, since it is totally different worlds. And I really think that MVC is currently the right way to do any web application, in fact MVC is suitable way to do other applications it is a basic design pattern that fits easily with most of applications concepts. For example most mobile apps are MVC based, cross mobile platform IDE are based on such concept, even windows forms can be MVC, WPF can be MVC. However, other design patterns might fit better with in some applications like MVVM, MVC is a easy way to get things done and separate the code segments while maintaining re-usability and maintain-ability of application. I assume that MVC fits better with web apps for a lot of reasons, one major reason is AJAX which simplified the MVC communication. The second reason is separation of duty, web design can be totally separated from web app development, and web application analysis. MVC can solve a bit of the problem with stateless nature of web application. It allows other design patterns to be incorporated within server code, client code or even web design and tools Beside you have a huge plugins that you can use

Rameez Ahmed Sayad
من قبل Rameez Ahmed Sayad , .Net Consultant , Proximus Luxembourg

Yes , I believe it's end of WebForms means no new scratch projects will be in ASP.NET , I don't see the RAD factor anymore.  

Having ASP.NET MVC6 as open source and incorporating so many Nuget packages . Infact MVC seems to be RAD , Use SASS /LASS , Angular JS , Twitter bootstrap .

The biggest factor for me is cross device compatibility which is really tough in ASP.NET whereas MVC everyday comes with responsive and adaptive solutions.

Waqas Ahmed
من قبل Waqas Ahmed , Tech. PM / Software Designer , Aga Khan University Hospital

It mostly depends on the scalability of the application. If the application would be used by thousands or more users then MVC is a preferred choice due to its light weightiness. Small applications can also be built using MVC with the option of scaffolding but in practise it is seen that web forms applications are developed as a way of RAD.

farid shaik
من قبل farid shaik , Type Customer , ARAMCO

when you want RAD applications then asp.net  Webforms is best option .

when you want  SEO based wesites and autonmatic test driven pages mvc is best option

Mufeed Farhan
من قبل Mufeed Farhan , HR Applications Manager , SBM


The answer is available in detailes in the below link:



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