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How 'ping' command can be made useful to a Common person other than a network specialist while working with interconnected systems in a network ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل suhan attavar
تاريخ النشر: 2013/11/25
Mostafa Abdo
من قبل Mostafa Abdo , Senior Infrastructure and Security Architect , Devoteam

it can be considered as a first step in troubleshooting before going further to determine if we gonna need a technical support help or not.

Rami kamal Eldin Sharfi
من قبل Rami kamal Eldin Sharfi , System Engineer , MTN (Mobile Telecommunication Company)

ping  is useful to verify that the other device on the network is connected and ready for send and recieving the order from other devices 

  and useful to make sure all the data is recieved  by the other devices wilth the full packets of data

Chandrasiri Guanaratna
من قبل Chandrasiri Guanaratna , IT Manager , Computerland International

Defintely , if you knmow IP address of any network, you can ping that IP to see  whether you can reach,  for  example  you can also ping by domain name  for  ex ping www.Name of the Company.com etc , this will work in many situation where the DNS ( Domain Name Server) resolve the name to its IP address, if not you can ping by the  IP address. its the basic test for connectivity.

When a computer does not work first this to check the power, similarly when network does not work first step is to ping. However certain IP address you can not ping as firewalls in the network might block this ping command to work. you could  try  ping  yahoo.com  and ping  google.com and see the respose even come with their IP address as below,


ping yahoo.com

Pinging yahoo.com [] with32 bytes of data:Reply from98.138.253.109: bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=50Reply from98.138.253.109: bytes=32 time=96ms TTL=50

Hope you got it clear


Ahmed Abdul Aziz
من قبل Ahmed Abdul Aziz , System Administrator , Saudi Binladin Group

Ping is very usefull tool for network admin even it is usefull for comman person if he/she know how to use.


Maman Elhadji Garba
من قبل Maman Elhadji Garba , IT Spoc, mobility client support Engineer , IBM

Ping is  a testing tool which is found in all operating systems, so its main function is to test network connectivity between to interconnecting devices by sending ICMP messages to the other devices.

Hassan Mehsen
من قبل Hassan Mehsen , Network Engineer , Taqniyat

Ping is  a testing tool which is found in all operating systems, so its main function is to test network connectivity between to interconnecting devices by sending ICMP messages to the other devices.

Most ping tools use Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP). They send request messages to a target network address at periodic intervals and measure the time it takes for a response message to arrive.

Ahmad Yassein
من قبل Ahmad Yassein , Infrastructure Network Manager , Ministry of International Cooperation (MIC)

Please define "Common Person". If you mean a regular user, he/she do not care about maintaining networks or systems.

Suleman Hasib
من قبل Suleman Hasib , System Administration Manager , Freelancer

Ping works like echo you ping an address and it replies back with a response.

Take a look at this article:


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