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How much effect does a cover letter have versus a resume ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل sanabel Joudeh , Talent Management, Learning & Development Officer , MDCBMS
تاريخ النشر: 2013/11/28
Zafar Iqbal
من قبل Zafar Iqbal , Teacher (Pak Studies) Subject Specialist , Home Tutor

Very important effect because it is just like a present packed in a beautiful glitering paper.  The more attractive and beautiful is the packing of a gift the more chances for a person to get the attentation of an employer.

Thank you for your question Sanabel.

A Resume or CV will only reflect a format of details which you want to present across an employer but sometimes you can't express your desire and feelings through a CV as its a format which is pre decided. As some one would like to change his line of profession and from Sales would like to join HR management or Admin job . He can surely put across in his/her covering letter why company should consider this person as he doesnt have experience in given field still there is passion to perform well so a cover letter can convey it.

Also its a short desciption of someone experience, education and viison which is put across in a letter to employer or recruiter.

Shahzad Khan
من قبل Shahzad Khan , Deputy Manager - Human Resources , The Searle Company Limited

Cover letter plays an important role and through this recruiter could assess candidate interest in the opening. One must be careful while send the cover letter and do review the person addressed, company details, starting of the letter which indicate the job title and why should you are considered for this opening and your experience and qualification details which present yourself as prominent candidate. Baed on my expereine, i have seprately collected few cover letters which sound interesting and caught my attention :)

Amal Mandhora
من قبل Amal Mandhora , 'Temporary Assignment' , Hamad Medical Corporation

Hello Sanabel,


I believe a Cover Letter is as important as a Resume in creating a positive effect on the employer.


A Cover Letter highlights the Applicants current Employment details, Competencies, Achievements and Interest in working with a Prospective Employer while the Resume covers all Applicant personal and professional details at descriptive length.

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