أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Code switching is when a speaker of one language uses another language during verbal communication. it can happen at lexical level, phrasal level or sentence level depending on the switchers proficiency in the language he/she is switching
le code switching est le fait d'alterner deux ou plusieurs langues dans une communication entre locuteurs de la même société
In linguistics, code-switching is switching between two or more languages, or (language varieties), in the context of a single conversation.
Code is a process in wich a person switches from one language to another in the same context.
code switching concerns about the shift from language to another while speaking.
Code-switching is the practice of moving between variations of languages in different contexts. Everyone who speaks has learned to code-switch depending on the situation and setting. In an educational context, code-switching is defined as the practice of switching between a primary and a secondary language or discourse.