ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


Does money really buy happiness?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل mohamed sabeen , QHSE Manager , Novus catering service
تاريخ النشر: 2013/12/12
Adel   Alkhateeb
من قبل Adel Alkhateeb , Resident Engineer , AECO & DOCH

I think that the happiness isn't for sale, and money isn't the only thing that makes us happy, also the money can't buy happiness but money can make you happy

Rameez Zubair
من قبل Rameez Zubair , EI & Automation Engineer , Waterregime Pvt Ltd

Well, a lot of people will answer it philosophically, Yes money cant buy you Happiness.

But still in the long run you need money to get there. Its a tough world out there, its no paradise but thats just how you see it unless you find the balance.

Muhammad Saey
من قبل Muhammad Saey , Senior Veterinary Doctor , PAFN Public Autority for Food and Nutrition

Happiness has mentioned in the Holy Quran only in Paradise, This world described as working hard time to get advantages for after world welfare.


Whatever you achieve in this world is not true happiness it is curse and sidition test if succeed to deal fair with given money or not?


Money prolongs the account checking whereas poor people will access to paradise earlier than rich people by40.

Read in Holy Quran: Chapter12 Hud Verse108.

Jasmin Mathai
من قبل Jasmin Mathai , Executive / Administrative Assistant to Assistant Vice President , United Arab Shipping Co.

Money buys the comforts / luxuries of life (depending on which class of the society you belong) and overcome difficulities in tight situation.  Eg:1) An upper class is definitely much happier and able than a middle or low income class person, if they think of owning a Rolls Royce. 2)  If a person is sick, he does not have to ask others for help to handle his problem.

A materialistic or immature person will definitely think in this manner, since for him or her, living life without facing difficulties and owning what others can't, is what makes him or her happy. 

A poor person with a lot of difficulties in life also thinks in the same way, as he does not have money, due to which, his miseries increases.

Happiness is an emotion, which no one can buy.  If we are content with what we have in life, then we will always be happy.  But the reality of life is that when difficulties arises, the first thing that we think about is the financial cost which will enable us to overcome the problem.

Unfulfilled desires, problems and goals in life which requires money to achieve or overcome it,  is what makes a person unhappy & miserable.  Therefore, in this way, money is considered to be a factor in buying happiness.


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