ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


What do you think about investing in the development of the Company's human resources?

Recently, I read the following: CFO asks his CEO, "What happens if we invest in developing our people and then they leave the company?" CEO answers, 'What happens if we don't, and they stay?"

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل HANNA SABA , Team Leader (Administrative Support), including translation, editing, and writing , Deloitte
تاريخ النشر: 2013/12/21
Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein
من قبل Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein , Chief Executive Officer & ERP Architect , Egyptian Software Group

Any investment must have a positive acceptable ROI and it must be affordable. If that is satisfied, it is better pursued.

I see that HR policies should be used to protect such investments. I saw policies which state that an employee must stay in the company for a specific time is the company invests in his/her development and if he/she didn't make it, he/she have to pay the remaining balance of the icured cost. I saw others which enforce certain changes in the targeted performance measures in order for the company to bare the costs. Other approaches are possibly out thier to ensure positiove ROI for investments in the company's human capital and I think that is reasonable as long as they end up being a win-win to all parties.

I also experienced that govenrments measure such returns on the community as whole and not only for the agency the employee was working for during the time of his/her training. And I see that as a wise move from them.

Raymond Tumusiime
من قبل Raymond Tumusiime , Procurement and Administration Manager , Bollore Transport and Logistics Uganda

Investing in development of a company's human resources is key as it is the life blood and one the intellectual properties tht may not be easily duplicated by competitors if well motivated and retained.

However many companies do not pay the required attention of strategy as they view this as a cost. But if done well it can pay off in the future.

one of the first steps is to have a retention or contingency plane which ensures the company does not easily lose valued employees but most importantly ensure that those whom the company has paid to develop are put under bond or conditions that they will serve in the company in the near future before leaving and using the expertise elsewhere.

other strategies may look at sharing such investments between the company and the employee or issue loan payable at low rates for the company to recover its investment.

Alrich DSouza
من قبل Alrich DSouza , Operations manager, Customer Service and Recruitment Manager , Nomura

They are the face of the organization as well as brand ambassadors considering their high interactions with candidates of different profiles, designations and industries.  Such brand and company ambassadors who are the first people to interact before interviews with the line managers should definitely create a good image to the external audience and therefore need to be strongly invested upon to ensure good quality of talent.

Shahzad Khan
من قبل Shahzad Khan , Deputy Manager - Human Resources , The Searle Company Limited

That’s true Hanna, successful organization are those who keeps on investing in its resources wither its human or organizational. If we compare the public and private sectors then it is clear that private sector is much faster progressing as compare to public one and their success lies in investing in business, expansion, employee’s development etc.

Organizations who are reluctant to invest in their resource will results in higher turnover, time consuming process, less effective customer services etc as they are not accepting their shortcomings and neither to improve them which requires time and finance. This leads to fewer turnovers as final product.

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