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Rehab Zidan , Graphic Designer & 3D Artist - Freelancer , Freelance Websites
"It depends on the situation and the personality of the supervisor."
If he does not like to have his authority questioned and if I tell him that how he wants something done won't work, he gets extremely angry. So, I never tell him he's wrong. Never. Whatever he tells me to do; I smile and say "okay." Then if I know a way to get it done that will work, I do it that way, give him the results he wants and never tell him I didn't do it the way he told me to. He got the results and is happy. I saved myself the stress of being yelled at and gave him what he wanted, so I'm happy.
If he is easy-going then I will tell him "you know, I think it might work better if I do what you asked in such and such a way," then he will say "okay, try it."
And If I were a new hire on a job, I would probably not question a supervisor because I might think I didn't know enough.
The coin always has two sides. I wouldn't waste my time to prove somebody wrong, nor would I use my time for proving myself right either. I can tell my opinion, but not make it my mission.
Most importantly you should be confident in your truth and brave enough to argue with your boss.
In healthy working environment the creative discussions are always focusing the improvements and not to personal interests.
This is the theory but we know the it is different in the reality a bit.
But only with the method how you can convince your boss about your right. Be polite and constructive. If you have time to prepare yourself create business cases and offer some alternative solutions to your boss.
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Ahmed Saeed , Supply Chain and Purchasing Manager , Tuff Gear Ltd.
This depends on how one's boss is. You should know your boss very well before jumping to rectify his error. E.g. my boss his a very understanding one, and he is the sort who would appreciate anyone who would approach him if he is wrong. According to him this shows that the person is actually involved in what he is doing and wants to learn more. However again it depends on how your boss will react. If he is not the sort who appreciates someone highlighting his problem, one should just not go and say it directly, but he should highlight it indirectly.
اذا كان خطاءه كان في رويته لبعض الامور المتعلقه بالعمل سواء كان رويته لسير العمل او الاجراءات و السياسات المتبعه في العمل فاحاول ان اوضح له الاجراء و السياسع المتبعه
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Yousaf Ali , Database Administrator , IMU, Elementary and Secondary Education Department, Govt of KPK.
i will ground and some buffer and then i will try my best to explain the real problem and present to him/her and then it is up to him to take a good decision.
Senior management decisions, we can not intervene to take, because the pyramid of any institution in making his decision depends on a thorough study come across people and using the tools of specialists dedicated to the analysis of decision-making, but I only if my question must be honest and transparent
Discuss and show commercial loss vs gains if the decision effects profitability. Discuss long term loss vs short term gain coming out of the, if operational decision. Boss is over all accountable therefore in my opinion a sensible person should accept if you are right and correct his decision.