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If we talk about radio stations in the Middle East: who is the target audience of the Community Radio Stations and what's their content like?
بداية الامر يتعلق بالجماهير العربية وطبيعة اهتماماتها , كون ان الراديو اصبح في نظرهم وسيلة قديمة جدا ولا تتمتع بنسبة استماع كبيرة .
طبعا هناك نوعان من الجماهير يجب الاهتمام بها بالنسبة لتلك الوسيلة .
أول نوع : العمال وصغار الكسبة من سائقين وغيرهم من العمال الغير قادرين على استيعاب و متابعة الصحف لقلة خبرتهم بالقراءة او سخف اهتماماتهم اليومية او لسبب كبير جدا وهو الفقر المنتشر في الدول العربية .
ثاني نوع : أصحاب الاحتياجات الخاصة مثل الضرير وغيرهم ممن يعانون من نقص حاد في النظر , لذلك تعتبر الوسيلة المهمة في اكتساب جماهير من هذا النوع .
طبعا هنا تنقسم البرامج الى نوعين : ( ترفيهي - ثقافي ) .
ولابد للراديو محاولة ارسال افكار تنموية ترفع من ذوق المستمع الى ما تهدف اليه المؤسسة ان كانت تبحث عن جماهير تعتنق افكارها .
أما ان كانت تبحث عن الربح والاعلانات وغيرها من المغريات لابد لها من الاكثار من البرامج الترفيهية من موسيقية او درامية , حتى تتمكن من أسر المستمع اكبر قدر ممكن .
طبعا كل ذلك يختلف من منطقة لمنطقة لكن أعتقد ان تلك الانواع من البرامج تحتل النصيب الاكبر في هذه الوسيلة .
Doesn't it differ per the community? If its a small community then you would talk about:
1. Upcoming events for the community (community picnics, community trips, community contests).
2. New services that are now available to the community (car pooling or grass cutting services)
3. Announcement of new residents in the area (so that they can be welcomed).
4. Announcement of any changes in the community's policies or regulations.
5. New Shops and new commercial offerings (including adverts from the local commercial centers). But that doesn't answer your question. What kind of shows would you include in the programming. So here are my suggestions:
1. Traffic updates.
2. Daily Community announcements.
3. Interviews with different 'interesting' members of the community.
4. A Creative corner show where a talented person from the community can be featured and can perform live (or recorded).
5. Weather Announcements.
6. A Cooking show (can be an international show where different members of the community from different countries are guests at the show and give people international recopies).
7. A Consumer review of ether a product or a movie that is currently in theaters or products that have recently become available to the community.8. A Websites review where a young person talks about their favorite website and explains the benefit of using it to the community.9. You can have a learn this language program... where someone can teach Arabic / Spanish / french to listeners in a simple manner. I hope these ideas help.
Cares Radio Almojtmj rural communities and simple and Garret programs must be first language and tone of the target of the program and interesting program of water, for example, education, electricity and education (in general, all that matters target needs basic life and the rights of the Millennium Aiih, customs and tradition bad) so it must be a fact of life Bajra interviews from those areas adults and dialects, and quizzed simple and straightforward with respect for the customs and traditions of this next determine good times to listen to their
Talk shows and favorite songs etc
we need to prevail our old culture and civilization , also we need to broadcast the development prgrammes in all feilds .
Programs related to waste disposal, hygiene, public health, accountability to society and fellow citizens