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Mind Maps are a visual diagram with lines and bubbles representing ideas and relationships between them.
A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches. Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items related to a central key word or idea.
Mind maps can be drawn by hand, either as "rough notes" during a lecture or meeting, for example, or as higher quality pictures when more time is available. Mind maps are considered to be a type of spider diagram. A similar concept in the1970s was "idea sun bursting".
Although the term "mind map" was first popularized by British popular psychology author and television personality Tony Buzan, the use of diagrams that visually "map" information using branching and radial maps traces back centuries. These pictorial methods record knowledge and model systems, and have a long history in learning, brainstorming, memory, visual thinking, and problem solving by educators, engineers, psychologists, and others.
Creating mind maps is a powerful, highly effective, visual note-taking method that aids in the memorization of information by organizing and rearranging material in a logical manner, highlighting the relationships between different topics. Information is organized from general to more specific, creating a skeleton that allows you to better understand the overall structure of the topic at hand.
Dear Fazal,
A Mind Map is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain.
It harnesses the full range of cortical skills – word, image, number, logic, rhythm, colour and spatial awareness – in a single, uniquely powerful manner.
In so doing, it gives you the freedom to roam the infinite expanses of your brain.
The Mind Map can be applied to every aspect of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance human performance.
What do you need to make a Mind Map?
Because Mind Maps are so easy to do and so natural, the ingredients for your “Mind Map Recipe” are very few:
* Blank unlined paper
* Coloured pens and pencils
* Your Brain
* Your imagination!
When you use Mind Maps on a daily basis, you will find that your life becomes more productive, fulfilled, and successful on every level.
There are no limits to the number of thoughts, ideas and connections that your brain can make, which means that there are no limits to the different ways you can use Mind Maps to help you.
7 Steps to Making a Mind Map.
1- Start in the CENTRE of a blank page turned sideways. Why? Because starting in the centre gives your Brain freedom to spread out in all directions and to express itself more freely and naturally.
2- Use an IMAGE or PICTURE for your central idea. Why? Because an image is worth a thousand words and helps you use your Imagination. A central image is more interesting, keeps you focussed, helps you concentrate, and gives your Brain more of a buzz!
3- Use COLOURS throughout. Why? Because colours are as exciting to your Brain as are images. Colour adds extra vibrancy and life to your Mind Map, adds tremendous energy to your Creative Thinking, and is fun!
4- CONNECT your MAIN BRANCHES to the central image and connect your second- and third-level branches to the first and second levels, etc. Why? Because your Brain works by association. It likes to link two (or three, or four) things together. If you connect the branches, you will understand and remember a lot more easily.
5- Make your branches CURVED rather than straight-lined. Why? Because having nothing but straight lines is boring to your Brain.
6- Use ONE KEY WORD PER LINE. Why Because single key words give your Mind Map more power and flexibility.
7- Use IMAGES throughout. Why Because each image, like the central image, is also worth a thousand words. So if you have only10 images in your Mind Map, it’s already the equal of10,000 words of notes!
Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid
Head of Business Development
Entrepreneurship Coach & Consultant
- http://www.sewilam.com
- facebook.com /Orkanza
- twitter.com /HanySewilam
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. http://www.downloadatoz.com/toplight/min...
A visual aid diagram to organize the thoughts of a team/project/goal etc. It help people understang the link between ideas and also helps you edit them to figure out the main concept.
A diagram technique for visualizing connections between several ideas and pieces of information around a main theme .Each idea is written down and linked to the main theme. It is a powerful , highly effective method of taking quick notes
Tony Bozan the creator of Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping is Special application for Creation Diagram and Charts.Some thing like Visio and Draw.io, and LucidChart, But it's more Power full then a Visio and other applications, in other words I can say that a large diagarm can be zip into a box/Container. when you need to expend this diagram simply click on Plus(+) sign your diagram will be in available a full form.
adding your virtual idea into a visual map.