من قبل
Eva Saliba , Sales Manager , BlueStep Finans
It is easy to confuse the different between a Manager and a Leader, many do not know the different, but really, there duties are quite different.
The difference is that a Manager is a position while a Leader is a relationship. You do not need to be a leader as a Manager nor a Manager as a Leader.
But being one does not preclude being the other. There are many who are able to balance these qualities and become something in between.
A manager wants to achieve the best results possible and ensures that everyone is working on as they should. Being in the formal position of "manager" you have obligations and rights.
Leadership is more about relationships and is largely on getting the employees motivated by giving them meaningful work. A leader is a person who holds social and emotional competence.
Leadership and manager must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing. But they are necessarily linked, and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause more problems than it solves.
Still, much ink has been spent delineating the differences. The manager’s job is to plan, organize and coordinate. The leader’s job is to inspire and motivate and get the work done in an smoother way!!!