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he should be superman too..
I do not think so
Not necessarily but it would be good if he can. Usually it is the digital marketing agency doing the job who hires these specialists.
Good one @Adeel
If you are looking for Jack of all trades, you'll end up with only Jackasses. Let specialists do their work please. Let coders be coders and marketers be marketers.Having said that, it does help if the Digital Marketer understands technology specially logical/functional flow of programming, so that he can understand the pain points of the developers. And likewise for developers.
Well, programming knowledge definitely helps but writing code simultaneously with marketing activities will not help.
it will help him in creating sofisticated or out of the box marketing ideas and creations.
What do you mean by code? Are you talking about HTML or other programming languages. If you are talking about HTML then yes to some extent, because it will help in Email Marketing to make custom Email Template.
Yes, of course, It's so basic skills of expert digital marketing is writing codes or even assist in the preparation
If you're asking if you need to learn C++ or Java, I would say probably not. But if you mean HTML or CSS, given the fact that you have qualified your question with the phrase "digital marketing expert," then I would say that it should be at least a goal of the digital marketer. In fact, reading a book about JavaScript would offer a good overview of programming logic that would be directly relevant to your work and is something you can easily experiment with.Even better would be a solid understand the logic behind coding. The reason I say this is that there are times when you simply need to know what's possible vs. likely and you need to know when your tech people aren't thinking creatively enough. Further, when working with the automation functions of marketing automation systems, you'll need to be able to think like a computer and, by extension, a computer programmer