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In CRM, relationship with the customers is maintained by one and all. There are primary, secondary and tertiary factors on which our service depends. Take for example airlines. Not only on time performance is important but then speedy opening of the door, speedy baggage clearance, damage free baggage delivery all this is important.
For CRM, use of software comes handy. In hotel when you check in, they make note of your preference i.e. which newspaper you prefer, which part of the city you visit etc. Next time when you check in, the Front Office Assistant (FOA), just reads out last preferences and asks for any changes. If no changes are there, then check-in can be done speedily. In fact in some hotels, no longer guest is made to wait in front of FOA, check-in is done at room by using iPad.
CRM software helps in capturing the customer's preferences. In fact if you provide seasonal services, it is possible to contact them through e-mail or SMS and give information. For example, a hotel may run Japanese food festival. CRM makes it easy to connect with the guests who had been to this festival in the last time.
Key Account Management is for handling customers who give you big business. You do the Pareto analysis of your revenue. Find out which accounts give you80% business. Employ exclusive one relationship manager. Other way of handling key accounts is to employ relationship manager for the top10 accounts or top five accounts and so on.
Since few customers give you bulk business, they need to be nurtured well. This is where KAM comes in pictures. Key Account Manager is one-stop-shop for the customer. He/she does not have to deal with many persons within the company.
Few CRM softwares have provision to handle KAM as well. However, here personalised relationship is quite important.
Hope this satisfies your query.