أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
That's a very nice question, Smaragdi!
I usually take one week for rest and sport. Then I am on the constant look out for a job and may enroll in a course for a new language or an IT certificate.
That will be an unfortunate period in my career if that happens, but I will take that period as an opportunity to upskill myself & try to venture out myself into own ideas.
its not an problem for me beause i can help my friend and also help social work in my town and also apply for new job
it didnt happen to me however, if i pass through this period i have to be ordinary to spend my days as usual . means morrning must be applied for opportunities and evening go out with friends and relaxing.
Well. It is quite obvious that every intellectual people who wants to effectively utilize the time since its the only thing cannot be retained back and precious too.. In a situation wherein I supposedly not engaged with employment off-course I would like to share my ideas thro social networks, chat with people to know and acknowledge their view points. having said like this, I shall always strive to make the idle time to be more idealistic which will utlimately improve my inner virtual capabilities and also keep me in touch with social networks that workout to bring and source more knowledge.
I was helping my elders in domestic works, as like agrari help, and shop keeping etc