ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


The issue of gender is very crucial in the recruitment and selection of logistics and procurement staff. Give your critic on this.

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Mollen Chareka , Supply & Logistics Specialist , UNITED NATIONS
تاريخ النشر: 2013/06/12
من قبل OUSMANE DRAME , Chief Executive officer , OBSERVATORY

I think performance of enterprise depends on profesionnal competencies;personal motivation and working conditions.As a recruiter manager i prioritize performance not difference on sex;race;religion but an advantage for woman when there is egality of assessment during process selection but not specific position for woman or man.


hi, I don't think that this is a serious topic.
We are in21st Century and have seen many key positions in the business managed by women across the globe.
Only one point to be taken care is proper selection process.
I have seen many women in private and public sector companies handling supply chain/purchasing/logistics function successfully for many years and reaching higher positions.
Women are no less than men according to me in my25 years professional span.

Mollen Chareka
من قبل Mollen Chareka , Supply & Logistics Specialist , UNITED NATIONS

Hi Shreekrishna, you came in very well and I like your answer, but help me here, being a manager, during recruitment and selection is there no time when you look at a candidate and say "If this candidate was a man, we were to fall on her as our employee for such, such a post, her qualifications are very good but now that she is a woman we cannot" Let’s be honest guys and see how we can convenience the world that women are equally capable of doing what their counterparts can do, only that they need to be given an opportunity and encouragement that they can do it.
Like most of the companies, when recruiting for a Logistics or procurement staff, they consider men, and their justification will be, the working conditions, women cannot afford.
It is as if, during the execution of duties the recruited candidate will be carrying heavy things, it’s as if it’s a case of a muscular job, yet it just needs strategic thinking and leadership.
Having said that, however, some companies really considers women for the procurement and Logistics jobs as a result of their policies which will require them to be gender sensitive.
In addition, some will recruit women for the simple reasons that, women are committed, well organised, and in terms of ethics, women are very ethical and if we check Globally, cases of fraud, thefts and major criminal cases are done by men.
At times women might have been used to achieve the criminal offense yet she was used in ignorance and also because of the patriarchal nature of our society.
Conclusively, as much as we might argue, globally, we still have a long way to recognise the potential of women in leadership positions, and without giving a blind eye to Supply Chain Management, including logistics and procurement.
Women should be given an equal opportunity in such jobs and they should be supported to excel just like the support that is given if it’s a man in leadership.

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