أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
There are a few things a trader should achieve in order to be successful:
1) Follow Market news and forecasts on a daily basis to take advantage of their impact.
2) Set a strategy and be committed to it throughout your trading journey.
3) Understanding the risk you are taking, and NOT to get greedy and let emotions get in the way
Ability to analyse fundametal news and read technical charts; more over a trader must always remember that "trend is a friend" ; stick to trends
controlling your timber, greed and losses.
Honesty and Integrity are key, but as well as having a full understanding of the markets, remember, yo can not always trade at the top and bottom, always leave a little for someone else
There are many things a Trader should achieve in order to be successful:
1) Discipline. One should have a clear strategy, and understanding of the risk/reward ratio of an open position.Stop-loss orders management is critical for a long-term profitable trading.
2) Understanding of the markets behavior and psychology.