ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


What are the main causes of anemia in pets ?? and how can we manage it and prevent it ?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Jad Nachar , doctor , Maasri Holstein and animal House Hospital
تاريخ النشر: 2014/03/29
Dragan Jelić
من قبل Dragan Jelić , Center manager-International volunteer , SOLS 24/7

The word anemia is a latin word meaning "complete lack of blood in the organism" (prefix "a" in latin means "without", in this case "without blood"). A term which is not completely accurate, but nevertheless, it found its place in medicine. In practice, anemia means "decreased number of erythrocytes and/or quantity of haemoglobin in blood". Some authors define anemia as a negative balance of heamoglobin, which is partialy true, because there are some anemias in which the number of erythrocytes is not decreased, but the quantity of heamoglobin in them is. Therefore, the overall quantity of heamoglobin in blood is decreased, but the overall/normal number of erythrocytes remains unchanged. And vice versa.

Primarily, causes of anemia would be:1. increased loss od blood (traumatic injuries and such),2. increased erythrolysis ("destruction" of erythrocytes),3. decreased intensity of erythropoiesis (creation of erythrocytes). 

Secondary, it arises as a consequence of another pathological conditions: tumors, contagious diseases, etc. 

Symptoms: apathia, fatigue, tachycardia (increased heart rate), hyperpnea (increased breathing rate), paleness of visible mucouses, etc.

As for the therapy for anemia, your best choice would be to consult the veterinarian, because there can be wide broad of therapies of use. They all have two main purposes: to prevent the cause of anemia (if possible) and to revert the blood parameters to normal state. Your best shot would be application of several minerals (Fe, Mg, Ca...) and vitamins (vit. A, C, B complex) and preferably amino-acids and proteins. But that is just the simplest one. It would take at least several pages to describe all of them, considering how many anemias there are. 

Hope I helped....

Pim Clieff
من قبل Pim Clieff , Économiste , Achmea

I'm not sure I know the answer to this question. And in general, when I don't know something, I just turn to the veterinarian or read the information on a site that is verified. Recently I decided to click here in order to read about the care of my snail and realized that some things I did wrong, but now I have corrected myself.

Farooq Mattoo
من قبل Farooq Mattoo

in case of anaemia caused by blood loss , infuse blood or otherwise feed iron rich diet if