أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
Pro Tools and Ableton
I think there are a lot of different sites that can help you with your task, but most of all I like the site with Best Music Websites, because that's where I find different information about music and not only, that's why I like this site, that you can find any information that you need on it. Since I just like to listen to music and read about it, I don't understand half of what is written there.
My friend uses Fruity Loop, but I'm not sure if it's the best platform for that or not. The only thing that I know for sure is that it's extremely hard to promote your own music, and many good musicians don't get to be famous, even though they really deserve it. But I'm aware that services like TuneCore help them become bigger and earn money from music platforms, and my friend actively uses it.
i use Fl studio i think is one of the best producions musical softwares
I've heard about musicians using Fruity Loop, and as I know, it's not the worst software for beginners. I know a few artists on youtube who use it, and they come up with great songs, I even downloaded a few of them with mp3juice.link, so I think it won't be the worst decision for you to use Fruity Loop even if you haven't tried anything else, it's not that complicated for a novice musician. Good luck!
if you are classical music creator you need into " Symphobia " or " Edirole orchestrale "