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I like writing more but public speaking excites me more. My thoughts are better organized and shared when written at my own pace but public speaking is more challenging, especially when I'm passionate or knowledgably about the topic or context
Writing a lot but other times speak
Of course writing, and it has been my experience as a poet.
Writing and speaking are both forms of communication. What excites me more is the message that I want to convey, the impact of my message, and the audience. That is, I care for the substance -content-of my message -over the form. Choosing to write, speak, deliver a speech, etc. depends on many factors: presence or distance of the message recipients, complexity of the message, necessity to document the message, etc. I would choose the form that best suits the situation. For example, I am conveying my thoughts to you and others in this answer through writing because that is what fits this situation.
The real exictement is in LISTENING, by writing & speaking we make exite other person. But at proper time we should write & speak, as we are not dumb!!
Whichever is more effective for the case in hand.
Both, but it requires a very talented person with a strong charisma to excite or motivate me through spoken words. and i prefer spoken words.
This depends on the position,sometime speaking and sometime writting
speaking is more effective
Writing. That is my skill and talent, my profession. I am more adept at it than speaking.
Writing excites me more. Sometimes a well rendered description, an image that resonates, is all I need.
It’s a bit like a camel, hard to describe but you know one when you see one. I recognise the ‘magic’ you need to pull the reader into the story and keep them reading on.