أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
The planets of the solar system were formed long ago, even the moons are very old. There is no physical process that could eject one planet from another at this point in time. Even in the past this would be unlikely. Planets are formed by the the gravitation collapse of matter as opposed to the ejection of vast quantities of matter. Some time objects may collide with planets and possibly and eject some matter, the formation or the earth's moon may have partially involved this. But theses quantities are much smaller than any planet.If matter was ejected it would be disorganized and not form into a planet even if it escaped the source planet gravitation pull. For a planet to form the matter has be orbiting the sun in a concentric manner as band such that it would not be recaptured by a neighboring planet. the ejected mass would likely have an elliptical orbit similar to a comet if it had enough velocity making it not a planet