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Does our education system encourage potential Writers at School level?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل anayat bukhari , Researcher, English Content Writer, Publisher , Noor Foundation
تاريخ النشر: 2014/05/03
Hojat Kermani Nejad
من قبل Hojat Kermani Nejad , English Interpreter /Purchase and Quality control , Water and Waste Company

hell no... its underestimated in third world countires

من قبل MASRUR HUSYAN WAFA , System/Hardware/Network Engineer , COMPUTER LINKS International

No. Because our Education System have a lack of PEOPLE Oriented Skill development. Also there are many different systems exists but particular the Government is modifying our Education System again & again on experimental basis, its a strong reason that in such experiences no one can continue his pure development.

مستخدم محذوف‎
من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎

No, we teach the basic skills of writing, very much in the same way that we teach the basic skills of mathematics or physics, rudimentary skills designed to fulfill the wishes of the educational powers that be. The law of averages is such that one presupposes that amongst all the impressionable young minds going through the global educational process that there will emerge at least one Dickens, Pythagorus, Einstein, Hawkinge or Faraday. I feel, however, that these will be the "naturals" and will owe nothing to our present teaching system.

Shagufta Zafar
من قبل Shagufta Zafar , Principal , Allied School

yes, good schools do that but over all its not working in many systems.

Ahmed Gendy
من قبل Ahmed Gendy , General supervisor , Al Jodair

I'm afraid it doesn't.First most cultures just care about the exam.Second , schools doen't measure students' abilities .Hence , they don't develop them.

Nila Eslit
من قبل Nila Eslit , Content Writer for Fitness web , George Allen

It depends on the school.  Mine did.  I honed my talent in writing with the help of my former teachers in elementary, high school, and in college.

In elementary, we were taught theme writing.

In high school, aside from theme writing, my English teacher appointed me Features Editor and Columnist for our school organ.  It was also the same teacher who advised me to take a degree in Journalism because she saw the potential in me.

In college, since I took a baccalaureate in Mass Communication, we had a great deal of writing activities, such as: script writing for film and radio; screenplay writing; journalisitc writing; news writing, etc...

BashirAhamd BASHIR
من قبل BashirAhamd BASHIR , teacher , EDUCATION

Education  is  the name  of potiential  discover of students, only a competant teachers, skilfull  teachers can do this, then every person  express  their potientials  in form  of writings, they  express their feelings and  emotions, this quality  lead them a creative writer,

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