ابدأ بالتواصل مع الأشخاص وتبادل معارفك المهنية

أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.


Which food that should be avoided in hypertension?

تم إضافة السؤال من قبل mohammad othman , pharmacist coordinator , Al-Salam Hospital
تاريخ النشر: 2014/05/14
Nasir Hussain
من قبل Nasir Hussain , Sales And Marketing Manager , Pakistan Pharmaceutical Products Pvt. Ltd.

Food rich in cholesterol......

Food with high level of salts.........

Over cooked food...........

Food rich with unsaturated fatty acids etc..........

Ayman Khalil
من قبل Ayman Khalil

Salt & soduim in the first place, when speaking of high blood pressure. Try to avoid Processed deli & lunch meats, they're real soduim bombs. Pickels also are real danger, they're like a sponge salt!! Try to avoid coffe & too much sugar.

Ali Manssor Khan
من قبل Ali Manssor Khan , Retail pharmacist , Easy pharmacy llc

salty foods , cholestrol containg fatty foods

murad khan
من قبل murad khan , office assistant , fata secritariat

salty and oily

nanje romanus itoe
من قبل nanje romanus itoe , Assistacne Nurse Medico-surgical Unit , Munea Hospital (CMA)south west region

Baking    When baking, an individual who has high blood pressure should attempt to cut out baking soda and baking powder from his recipes. There isn't a good substitute for either of these ingredients, so it is best to leave them out completelyDairy    Most cheese and butter that is sold in stores comes salted. Unsalted dairy products are generally available and someone with hypertension should buy these unsalted productsSnacks    Salty snacks should definitely be avoided. This includes chips, some types of popcorn and foods that are pickled. Many chips and popcorn are now available in low-salt or no-salt versions, so those are still an option.Canned Foods    Most canned foods contain a large amount of sodium in order to preserve them. Always check the label on canned foods and avoid those with a high sodium content.Caffeine    It is important to avoid caffeine if possible, as it has been linked to high blood pressure. Drink decaffeinated coffee and tea, and replace sodas with caffeine-free versions, fruit juice or water.


AlcoholPeople with high blood pressure should not drink alcohol. While studies have demonstrated that low levels of alcohol intake can have protective effects on the heart — and can possibly reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure1 — research has also clearly demonstrated that consuming alcohol in the setting of existing high blood pressure is unhealthy2.Alcohol directly raises blood pressure, and further acts to damage the walls of blood vessels, which can elevate the blood pressure further and make it more difficult to treat, while simultaneously increasing the risk of complications.

ulfath pasha
من قبل ulfath pasha , Key Account Manager , Ferring Pharmaceuticals

Salt & soduim in the first place, when speaking of high blood pressure. Try to avoid Processed deli & lunch meats, they're real soduim bombs. Pickels also are real danger

adel elsayed
من قبل adel elsayed , Healthcare information system analyst , 57357 Hospital Group - ITBU

since everybody answered the sodium and cholestrol related food.

i will say avoid liquirice.

Carina Christine Juan Hong
من قبل Carina Christine Juan Hong , Staff Medical Technologist , AMOSUP Seamen's Hospital Iloilo

avoid food with too much salt.... 

Amna tahir nadeem
من قبل Amna tahir nadeem , pharmacist , Dallah Hospital

highly sodium containing diet

shahnawaz ahmad
من قبل shahnawaz ahmad , lead physiotherapist , vatsalya children hospital

any food that contains salts, junk food, spicy food, red meat. high cholestrol, etc

من قبل Jalil SAKHRAOUI , Executive Director , MHA ONE LLC

transfer factor

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