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Transfer Factor is a miraculous discovery that was first made in – a tiny molecule in white blood cells, a communication molecule that helps alert immune system cells to what they ought to be doing.
Transfer Factors are peptides consisting of amino acids. Transfer Factor moleculesare smaller than antibodies and just one third the size of a virus and have molecular weights of less than, daltons (between3, to5, daltons). Transfer Factor (produced by4Life Research, USA) is a hypoallergenic product, free of casein, lactoglobulins and other large proteins, but it does contain intact cytokine fractions identical to leukocytic cytokines. Academician A.A. Vorobiev of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences points out that unlike other immunomodulators Transfer Factor has a wide spectrum of activity, is safe, is administered orally, has no contraindications or side effects, and is effective both in adults and children.
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