أنشئ حسابًا أو سجّل الدخول للانضمام إلى مجتمعك المهني.
There is the thinking we do when we are driving or sitting at a desk reading documents or taking part in a discussion. However, deliberate thinking means setting aside some time to think with a clearly defined focus.
thinking is casual and common phenomenon, while deliberate thinking is planned and focussed activity to solve a problem or sometime to remember the past
Deliberate thinking is actually the manifestation of deliberate use of Will Power..
I believe the process of thinking is a general term refers to human brain constant activity,we think all the time about every aspect of life including needs,wants...etc,.
deliberate thinking I believe is the process of innitiating the action to focus on one subject and finding a solution to a specific matter or challenge.
Only thinking is usual but deliberate thinking is to take care of the particulars.
Thinking is open but deliberate thinking is secured.