الميزانيــة هــي عبــاره عــن تقريــر يعطــي صــوره للوضــع المالــي للمؤسســة فــي وقــت محــدد مــن العــام المالــي. تتكون الميزانية من اصول والتزامات وحقوق مساهمين. ... الإطلاع على المزيد
فما هي ؟ قيمة حقوق الملكية قيمة اجمالي الاصول قيمة الديون
In Purchasing: If the employee had saved some money during his purchases, what do you think the best way to reward ? By giving him a percentage of that saved amount - or ... الإطلاع على المزيد
Several factors are yet unknown. Where is the company at in manufacturing of the product. Is it going to be made in China in the same factory as the competitor? Or is it ... الإطلاع على المزيد