1- investagate the personal reason than lead to this behaviour 2 - check its reapaeated or first time 3 - investagate other behavioue rwith friends determine the quila ... الإطلاع على المزيد
It depends on the nature of the crime and its severity, as well as the potential impact on the company’s reputation and profile. Stay calm and investigate the situation t ... الإطلاع على المزيد
I would address the issue promptly and professionally. First, I’d ensure I have clear evidence of the misconduct. Then, I would meet with the staff member privately to di ... الإطلاع على المزيد
مهمة جدا لغة الجسد بتغني عن الكلام بكثير من الاحيان ممكن تخليك توصل رسالة بطريقة لبقة لو كانت هذه الرسالة شفوية لتسببت بمشاكل لغة الجسد عالم مهم يجب تعلمه وفهمه ... الإطلاع على المزيد
I will first talk to the individual separately and make him aware that he is making a mistake. If stealing continues, I will give him a 'memo' as a warning and ... الإطلاع على المزيد
First, ask the employee to explain. Second, decide whether to register a case or to take disciplinery actions or not.