Balancing the needs of the company and its employees comes down to clear communication and aligning individual growth with organizational goals. Offering competitive comp ... الإطلاع على المزيد
The key is to find ways to make both the company and employees feel like they are thriving and working toward a shared vision. When employees are aligned with the company ... الإطلاع على المزيد
In my humble opinion, there is never a "best" in anything, including company for bookkeeping and accounting. There is always a " cost benefit " analys ... الإطلاع على المزيد
as per my experience if a employee deserved he must be appreciate and it help to grow company as well
المصلحة لابد يكون مشتركة بينهم
انتوي تأجير شقة بغرض تأسيس شركة الشقة في برج تجاري والمالك يؤكد انها اداري و لكن عداد الكهرباء (وحدة سكنية) فهل هذا سيعيق خطوات التراخيص او انه سيسبب مشاكل ؟ ... الإطلاع على المزيد
المدير الجيد يمكنه ادارة الوضع بشكل احترافي يعوض تكاسل الموظفين
As the project manager at a utility company, I am leading efforts to explore alternative energy solutions due to the recent rise in petroleum costs. Our focus is on ident ... الإطلاع على المزيد