الحوارات الشائعة في مجتمع رضا العملاء


اسأل مجتمع المهنيين

اطرح أسئلة مهنية واحصل على أجوبة متميزة من المتخصصين الآخرين.

تدفق اللغة
Myriam Assaad's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Myriam Assaad, Hotline officer, Akkarouna
قبل 3 أيام

Good quality is foundational, but excellent customer service enhances value and loyalty. Both are important, but service can give a competitive edge.

Sherif Sabry Mohamed Hassan  Abdalla's image
تم إضافة السؤال من قبل Sherif Sabry Mohamed Hassan Abdalla Strategy marketing manager El Nasr manufacturer for Sulfonic acid and Sodium Silicate
قبل سنة واحدة

How would you satisfy a very angry customer/client who need to return an item after exceeded the warranty time frame?‎

A client have bought an electronic device and after exceeded the warranty time period the client wish to return the item and get a full refund. Client haven't mentio‎ ... الإطلاع على المزيد

عدد الأصوات:
يجب أن تتألف الإجابة من 25 حرفاً على الأقل.
Assad Abdalla  Salman's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Assad Abdalla Salman, Venue Manager, Doha Expo 2023 , AND MARKETING & EVENTS
قبل 8 أيام

Of course, excellent customer service can rarely compensate for a weak product. But poor customer service can quickly negate all the advantages associated with delivering ... الإطلاع على المزيد

leonila lanuza samantela lanuza samantela's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  leonila lanuza samantela lanuza samantela, Call Center Specialist Representative,eTeams, TELCO & BPO CALL CENTERS
قبل 8 أيام

Make them feel valuable to make them to stay

Ganga Acharya's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Ganga Acharya, Office girl, Abudhabi national hotel and compass catering
قبل 8 أيام

Good quality is maintained at excellent customer service. So it is excellent customer service.

Mohsin Akram Ansari's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Mohsin Akram Ansari, Administrative Assistant, Professional Realtors of Pune Welfare Association
قبل 8 أيام

Excellent customer service enhances immediate satisfaction and fosters loyalty, while good quality ensures sustained customer satisfaction and reliability over time. Both ... الإطلاع على المزيد

Syed Shah's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Syed Shah, Brand Development Manager, Brand Guru Global
قبل 8 أيام

When it comes to choosing between excellent customer service and good quality, excellent customer service often takes precedence. Great service fosters customer loyalty, ... الإطلاع على المزيد

Tando Gaji's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Tando Gaji, Asset management Specialist , Absa Bank
قبل 8 أيام

Good quality., meaning that Good quality you makesure you put yourself on the client's shoes by providing effecient and satisfactory feedback to the client , that he ... الإطلاع على المزيد

Default profile image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Alice Njung'e , Customer Support Representative, eBee Mobility Kenya Ltd
قبل 9 أيام

Good quality usually attracts customers while excellent customer support will make the customer return and be loyal while making referrals.