الحوارات الشائعة في مجتمع Linux


اسأل مجتمع المهنيين

اطرح أسئلة مهنية واحصل على أجوبة متميزة من المتخصصين الآخرين.

تدفق اللغة
Salman Khan's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Salman Khan, Cyber Security Engineer, Hcl Technologies
قبل 4 أيام

I prefer Linux for servers due to its stability, performance, cost-effectiveness, and broad compatibility with open-source software.

Shashidhara Mandli's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Shashidhara Mandli, Senior Software Engineer, Clayfin Technologies
قبل 4 أيام

  Stability and Reliability: Linux distributions are known for their stability and reliability. They often require fewer reboots and have robust uptime compared to Wind ... الإطلاع على المزيد

Ssenabulya Henry's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Ssenabulya Henry, PHP Developer, Quickpost limited
قبل 6 أيام

I prefer Linux because it is open-source, secure, and more stable. I also use it on my personal PC, which makes working with it easier and more efficient.

تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  EMAD ADDIN ALSHEIKH, lecturer, faculty of computer science, Jazan University
قبل 8 أيام

For security issues,reliability, efficiency,and robustness, a professional Linux distribution  will be the best choice.

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تم إضافة السؤال من قبل مستخدم محذوف‎
قبل 8 سنوات
عدد الأصوات:
يجب أن تتألف الإجابة من 25 حرفاً على الأقل.
Amir Dulla's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Amir Dulla, Digital Banking , Addis International Bank
قبل 12 يوما

I prefer Linux for due to its excellent stability, reliability and high performance.

Ahmed Oweda's image  
تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Ahmed Oweda, senior associate software developer, Pwc - Egypt
قبل 12 يوما

Generally speaking Linux is better with regards to its security and being an open source product , however in some situations windows can be easier to use 

تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  MOHAMMED IRSHAD, IT System Engineer, Samsung R&D Institute Banglore India
قبل 12 يوما

It's based on project requirement, IRL most of the projects are based and running on Linux OS since Linux OS offers several advantages, particularly in terms of cost ... الإطلاع على المزيد

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تم إضافة الجواب من قبل  Mouad Djouama , Freelance Graphic Designer, NA
قبل 12 يوما

Preferably Linux cuz it is open source, stable, secure operating system and it's widely for servers.