لا فهي خاضعة في بلدي الجزائر الى قانون العمل و قانون الوظيفة العمومية و على تلك الاساس توزع الاجور و الحوافز اي انها خاضعة الى نظام الاجور و الحوافز الذي ينص عليه القانون ... الإطلاع على المزيد
No. They don't have different salary structures based on nationality for the same position. Salaries are usually determined by factors like experience, qualification ... الإطلاع على المزيد
Salaries are based on experience and performance and not on nationality as such could lead to discouragement and depression
It’s concerning to hear about salary discrepancies based on nationality for the same position. Ideally, compensation should be determined by the role, experience, and per ... الإطلاع على المزيد
No, All the workers are equally compensated in all the matters accordingly.
The cultural landscape where an organization operates plays a key role in setting up its policies. Generally speaking an organization of reasonable size will have a range ... الإطلاع على المزيد