negative indexing is used in python to start slicing data structures like lists, string or arrays from the end
I really like to play games. I'm always interested in some exciting worlds and stories, but the process of creating games themselves is much more interesting. So thr ... الإطلاع على المزيد
برمجة سي بلص بلص
بنسبة لي الهاوي لها يبدع اكثر لانه لن يستسلم لاي شي حتي يظهر تصميمه الافضل دائما
n Python, a negative index lets you access elements from the end of a sequence. For example, -1 gives the last element, -2 the second-last, and so on. This is useful for ... الإطلاع على المزيد
It depends to programmer not the language. Maybe PHP still have a bug, but if the developer be more creative and having a logical skill it will be more secure.
In Python, negative indexing allows you to access elements from the end of a sequence, such as a list, tuple, or string. Instead of counting from the beginning (where the ... الإطلاع على المزيد