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It must be registered a JV leads to?

When reviewing the operations of the boundary show that receiving reports arrived in stores on23/12/2012 for $50,0, but the purchase invoice was recorded only in04.01.2013 and it must be registered a JV to the leads to: a) Decrease earnings by $50 b) Increase earnings by $50 c) Affect only to the inventory d) Not one of the above

Question added by Rashad Moursi , Financial and Administrative Officer & international Business Transformer, Hotel Owner Reprs. , Investment and financial
Date Posted: 2014/07/01
emmanuel ONWUEMENE
by emmanuel ONWUEMENE , cashier , solid tower security services


Maaz Ullah
by Maaz Ullah , Market Research Executive , Micro Agility Services Pvt Limited


Sara Khan
by Sara Khan , financial and admin assistant , Ministry Of Defence

Affect only the Inventory.

Muhammad Hassan khan
by Muhammad Hassan khan , Assistant Collector , Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority

The Answere is Option A


Becasue as Purchases are under valued by $50 the earning needs to be decreased as far as inventory is concerned as GRN is issued the inventory will present the real value of the closing stock or by physical count it will be the same and will have no affect as the JV is issued.


Divyesh Patel
by Divyesh Patel , Assistant Professional Officer- Treasury , City Of Cape Town

The answer is C.

Naveen Sharma
by Naveen Sharma , Sr. Manager , Global Debt Advisory

Effect would be by recording of inventory received (by Debiting) and Credit payable to Vendor (if purchased on credit) else credit to advance (given if any).

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