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A customer is initially influenced by "How you sell" rather than "What you sell". What is on your mind?

Question added by Sheikh Ibrahim Khan , Sales Manager , Bader Al Mulla & Bros. Co. S.P.C.
Date Posted: 2014/07/05
Deleted user
by Deleted user



I am a sales person and I can confirm this is true in most cases.


It is true that in a lot of cases, a customer can be drawn to the sales person at the initial stage of the purchase, especially if she presents herself well, has extensive product knowledge etc. As a sales person myself, this is not an opportunity for me to exploit this stage of "gullibility". What is going through my mind when I am in this situation with my customer- I can most likely sell my product to this person, however I still need to provide this person all the information he needs, to make sure we are on the same page, and he is on the right track. At the end of the day, it's his money, and I still need to guide him to the right direction whether he is about to make the right decision or not. Customers will always anyhow ultimately find out whether they purchased the good stuff or the crap. Let them get this information from you and not from other sources.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

I agree with the arguement of how you sell at the first place rather than what you sell. The first impression a customer gets from a seller is the way of representaion. A product presented in an impressive way is the start of business. If you are offering premium quality but not in well presented way, you are going to have bad sales. Well presented in marketed is well sold in market.

amer jayyousi
by amer jayyousi , Business Development Consultant , freelance

I believe a customer is influenced by how you present your self as the solution  provider ,he is more interested in how you tackle problems he faces or solutions he needs,after all he will commit to buy what he needs and wants.

i don't  think it would influence him how you sell.

Muhammad Masood
by Muhammad Masood , Regional Director Sales , TCS (Pvt) Ltd

I would say YES in case of short term sales. In case you want to build a long term relationship with customer, its the product or service quality that would make impact.

in my openion, the customer is influenced by both. But "how to sell" comes first before "what you sell".

most of the times if you have a great useful product and you're week with the "how to sell" , you end up not selling your product eventhough you're really convinced in it...!!

by LABIB KOOLI , Director of the Sectoral Center for Training in Hotel Technologies at Southern Hammamet , Tunisian Vocational Training Agency (ATFP)

It's depending on the seller influencing & presenting capabilities 

Also it depends on the purchaser product's need

In general it's not too much important which come first 

Here the idea of the question is to hilight the importance of the influencing skill in the selling process  

Muhammad Abubakar Sahi
by Muhammad Abubakar Sahi , Assistant Accountant , Pak Red Crescent

Yes its true.Its the sales man that make you believe that the product he is selling is a perfect solution to your need the customer then assume that he just bought the best product

Mohamed Sayeed
by Mohamed Sayeed , Vice President - Business Development & Operation , Encore Facilities Management Group Inc.

Customers are highly intelligent. They have researched well and look for what extra value your product or service adds to their existing service provider or product. Never under estimate the intellegence of the custormer. The customer is influenced by how you sell and what extra value of what you sell will benifit them.

Mohamed Tarek Wagdy MBA CTP
by Mohamed Tarek Wagdy MBA CTP , Head Of Treasury , Medaf Investment

Agree in the majority, unless the client is (goal oriented) and knows what he wants specifically

usman shoaib
by usman shoaib , Manager Assurance and Audit , Ahmad Mushir &CO Chartered Accountants

The right marketing strategies the most important to business.the customer will influenced by the "How you sell"

Luqman Taiwo
by Luqman Taiwo , Senior Business Analyst – Sub-Sahara Africa , Reckitt

In consumer behavior analysis, the forces of demand and supply dictate the price. Therefore, consumers are often attracted to '' How you sell'' i.e How much? rather than ''what you sell''. Based on this, a lower price often draw attention of prospective buyers to an advertised product at first before other factors such as quality, branding, fashion etc are considered. i.e the lower the price, the higher the quantity demanded and vice versa. This above assertion is only applicable to non close substitute/ monopolized products.

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