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How can you protect food from contamination?

Should answers with some Details Like type of contamination and how to protect food from it Thanks to all

Question added by abdul latif mohamed sorour Abdul latif , Senior Food Trade Hygiene Officer , Dubai Municepality
Date Posted: 2014/08/22
sherif mostafa
by sherif mostafa , Food safety trainer , Alarkkan Training center

The correct way to protect the food from contamination that protect the high risk food from all the cross contamination kinds because its very very dangerous to contaminate after cooking 

after that take care there are6 contamination sourses can be contaminate the food during prosses :

( Establishment ( desiegne - ventilation - pots kind - lighting *

(Equiepment ( cleaning and sanitaion *

(worker ( high personal hygiene practice *

(Food ( good handiling practice *

(pest ( pest control *

(waste ( waste managment *


If  we avoid the cross contamination methods by following the safe food practices we can protect the food

 .and take safe food 

thanks for you time 

mohamed sabeen
by mohamed sabeen , QHSE Manager , Novus catering service

Proper Storage and Handling of Foods

To keep food safe to eat it is important to follow these rules:

• Keep cupboards and storage areas clean. cool and dry.

• Do not store food in containers that are used for other purposes. It is important not to store food in containers that have previously been used for chemicals.

• Keep food covered while it is being stored. and keep it away from chemicals such as insecticides and household cleaners.

• Make sure that areas where food is prepared. and all pots, pans and implements such as knives, forks and spoons are clean before food is prepared. These should be cleaned again afterwards.

• If fruits and vegetables appear dirty. wash them in clean water before preparation for cooking. Fruits and vegetables that are to be eaten without being cooked should always be washed first in clean water.

• When washing pots, pans and implements such as knives, forks and spoons. use hot water with soap or detergent, then rinse in clean water. Change washing and rinsing water often.

• Try and make sure the water used for cooking and washing is fresh and from a safe source.

It is important to remember that people. insects and other items can make clean things dirty again. even though they still look clean. Therefore it is important for everyone to:

• Wash their hands with soap and clean water before preparing or eating food.

• Avoid coughing or sneezing near food. or touching their nose, mouth. hair or anything likely to be dirty while preparing food.

• Avoid preparing food if they are sick or if they have wounds or sores on their hands. Anyone who is sick or has wounds and cannot avoid preparing food, should take extra care to work cleanly.

• Keep insects, pests. animals. birds. dust and fumes away from food.

Even in clean surroundings food will go bad over time. Food always has some bacteria on it. and these will increase in number over time and cause spoilage or even illness. The following is therefore important:

• For food with labels. carefully follow any storage instructions.

• Do not keep food too long. Throw it away if it looks or smells bad or spoiled.

• Do not leave scraps of food around so that bacteria can spread to the next lot of food to be prepared.

Raw meat, poultry and fish require special care as they always have bacteria on their surface. Proper cooking will kill these bacteria and make the food safe. But it is important not to let raw meat, poultry or fish contaminate food that is already cooked or that is to be eaten raw. To protect against this, the following is important:

• People handling raw food should properly wash their hands and everything else they use, including contact surfaces, before handling cooked food or food that is to be eaten raw.

• Raw food should be kept separate from cooked food or food that is to be eaten raw.

Keeping Food at the Right Temperature

Keeping food cold slows bacterial growth. All perishable food. especially meat, poultry and fish, should be stored in a cold place while awaiting cooking, or being eaten.

Cooking food properly kills all or most bacteria, and keeping foods sufficiently hot after cooking prevents most dangerous bacteria from growing. Meat and dishes containing meat should always be thoroughly cooked. If meat or poultry is still red inside. or if the juices still look bloody, it is undercooked and could still contain harmful germs. Eggs should also be well cooked. Foods that are cooked in water should be cooked in boiling water. and kept in that water long enough for it all to reach a temperature high enough to kill bacteria.

As far as possible, food should be eaten as soon as it is cooked. If food is uncooked or cold, it should be eaten as soon as it is taken out of its cold storage place. If it is not to be eaten straight away, food that is cooked or heated should either be kept hot until eaten or cooled right down and then stored in a cold place. Food should not be kept just warm or at room temperature, as these temperatures are ideal for the rapid growth of bacteria.

The best place to store most fresh food is in a refrigerator or freezer. If this is not possible. it should be stored in the coolest possible place. But remember. food will spoil more quickly in a cool place than in a cold place.

Because bacteria need moisture to increase in numbers, dried food such as pulses. nuts. bread and uncooked grains are less of a risk and can be kept at room temperature.

Food that is sealed in cans can be kept at room temperature so long as the cans are not opened. Once cans are opened. the food should be eaten straight away or put in a clean covered container and stored in a cold place. Food should not be left in the can once the can is opened.

Caring for Children

Children that are healthy and well nourished are usually not affected by most bacteria they come into contact with in the course of their lives. However. eating contaminated. unsafe food can quickly cause serious illness. If children are undernourished or weakened by other causes, their resistance is lessened and there is an increased risk that they will become sick from disease-causing bacteria. Eating unsafe food can quickly cause serious illness. For this reason extra precaution should be taken with the food of young, undernourished or sick children.

Young children like to put things in their mouth. They should be discouraged from doing this with harmful things. taught how to handle food safely. and encouraged to adopt good personal hygiene habits. These lessons need frequent reinforcement.

It is essential that clean water is used for the preparation of breast milk substitutes and weaning food. Boiling the water used for these purposes and ensuring all utensils are clean reduces the risk of sickness.

Cooking for Others

Extra care needs to be taken when cooking food in large quantities to give or sell to others. Large outbreaks of food poisoning can occur if the basic rules above are broken.

Though it is harder to keep to the rules for food being sold on the street or from temporary stalls, they are just as important. All the rules should be obeyed, particularly the following:

• Keep all pots, pans, containers and implements such as knives and spoons clean.

• Keep all food preparation areas clean, and avoid contact, even indirect contact, between cooked food and raw food.

• If cooked food is not to be eaten straight away or kept very hot, cool it quickly and store it at a cold temperature.


Mohamed Attia Ibrahim Attia
by Mohamed Attia Ibrahim Attia , quality and food safety manager at SEDRA group , سدرة للحلويات والمعجنات

Cross contamination occurs when harmful bacteria are transferred from contaminated food touncontaminated food.

• By Direct Cross Contamination – contact between raw food and ready-to-eat food duringtransport, storage or preparation• By Indirect Cross Contamination - spread of bacteria from raw food to ready-to-eat foodvia food handlers, equipment or surfaces. For example, indirect cross contamination canoccur via refrigerator door handles, knives, chopping boards, work surfaces, chefs’ cloths orcleaning cloths.

How can I apply SAFE thinking to my business?Stage1 – Think about the raw food coming into your business.• Who handles it?• Where is it received?• Where is it stored?• Where is it prepared?• Is it kept separate from ready-to-eat food?• What equipment and utensils does it come into contact with?Stage2 – Introduce Permanent Physical SeparationStaff : Limit raw food handling to specific staff members.Areas : Designate a Permanent Raw Food Area where only raw food is handled.Food : Always keep raw food separate from ready-to-eat food.Equipment : Ensure that the equipment and utensils designated for the raw food area areidentifiable. Colour coding is the most effective way to achieve this.Stage3 – Train all staff to think SAFE

nasrin ورق
by nasrin ورق , Hygièniste , Restaurant universitaire de Tataouine

food protection from contamination contains2 steps the first step is protection while production then you must protect food from cross-contamination so we need to have separation between work zones to keep the final product always away from the product in it's first steps of production, also in this first step of protection we need to controle and to respect the hygien ruls relative to workers,materials,... (Using ISHIKAWA Diagram)

the second step is protection while storage and here we must respect temperture of refregiration so that to prevent from multiplication of bacteries

well this is a large subject to discuss and there is even a doctora's researches done on this theme hope i gave you the essentiel

Deleted user
by Deleted user

I would propose the following to protect food from contamination:

- Observe personal hygiene requirenment

- clean and sanitize surface, equirenments and tools

- use clean source of water and other raw material

- keep hot food hot and keep cold food cold

- use sound methods of thawing, freezing and refreezing

Mohamed Gaber
by Mohamed Gaber , Quality & Development General Manager , International Company For Food Industries

The best way is you need to follow ISO22000 / BRC / GFSI standards , these standards cover all activities required to protect food from contamaination.

Mohammad  Arif
by Mohammad Arif , Quality Manger , Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd

Tips to protect food from contamination

It is the business owner’s responsibility to set up food

safety processes and procedures in the workplace to

comply with the Food Standards Code.

Business owners and staff can follow some simple

steps to protect food from contamination during the

receipt, storage, processing and display of food:

• Store food in food-grade containers and covered, if

necessary, to protect it from contamination

• Store food and packaging above the f floor

• Store raw food—especially meat, fish and poultry—

below and away from ready-to-eat food in a cool

room or fridge

• Store chemicals and equipment well away from food

items, food packaging and food handling areas

·                     Maintain the premises, including all fixtures, fittings

and equipment, in a clean and undamaged condition.

Regularly clean and sanitise food contact surfaces

and utensils, eg chopping boards, knives

• Use separate equipment and utensils for raw and

ready-to-eat foods, or thoroughly wash and sanitise

equipment and utensils between handling raw and

ready-to-eat foods

• Avoid unnecessary contact with food, eg use

utensils rather than bare hands

• Thoroughly wash and dry hands before starting

work, changing tasks or returning from a break, eg

between serving customers and preparing food, and

after handling raw foods and garbage, or using the


• Minimise the wearing of exposed jewellery and tie

back long hair.

• Cover cuts and wounds with an appropriate dressing

• Do not handle food if feeling unwell or suffering from


a contagious illness.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

 Store food in containers, cover lid, keep raw and semi-finished products in the refrigerator away from the finished product. Periodically conduct disinfection of premises and equipment that is in contact with food. Control personnel and their state of health , check following  the rules of hygiene. Limit contact with food jewelry. Prevent the work of people who bad ill or sick

abdul latif mohamed sorour Abdul latif
by abdul latif mohamed sorour Abdul latif , Senior Food Trade Hygiene Officer , Dubai Municepality

formal answer  thanks to all

A.      Preventing microbiological contamination ,multiplication &survival

ü  microbiological

1.       Remove source of contamination

·         Use  suppliers approved

·         Remove waste and unfit food

·         Exclude ill persons  and those with skin infections which would expose food to risk

·         Pest control and control visitors

2.       Separate raw food and ready  - to -  eat food and equipment

·         Raw meat fish and poultry should be kept in containers to avoid spillage and must always be stored below ready to eat food

·         Adequate  thawing of  food  separate ready to eat food  

3.       Reduce levels of contamination :

·         Disinfect food contact surfaces  - hand contact surfaces and cleaning  equipment

·         Maintain high standards of personal hygiene  at all times

·         Keep premises, equipment and utensils clean

4.       Protect from contamination :

·         Food should not be placed on the floor

·         Keep food covered

ü  Multiplication


1.       Temperature control from delivery to sale ( below5 C  OR above60 C )

2.       Effective stock rotation  especially of chilled high risk food

3.       Effective cooling of food prior to refrigeration

4.       Maintain hot held food above60 C


ü  Survival

         1.   Cook or Reheat Food to a Core Temperature Of75 C or A Time and Temperature Equivalent

B.      Control of physical contamination

1.          Use suppliers approve.

2.       Effective waste management

3.       Effective system equipments for the detection and removal of physical contamination

C.      Control of chemical contamination

1.       Use suppliers approve.

2.       Ensure chemicals are not delivered  with food

3.       Storage of chemicals separate from food

D.      Control of allergenic contamination

1.       Training of staff on dangers of allergens and how they may be controlled  

2.       Effective communication system between customer ,waiters  chefs and serving  staff

Contamination of food and ways to prevent it


 Food Contamination


Is food or water containing what makes it unfit for human or animal consumption, whether accurate or toxic chemicals or food contaminated objects deadly radioactive material, which may have on consumer eating disease, which is the most famous food poisoning disease.

Food is an easy way for the transfer of pathogenic microbes, so it must prevent the contamination of food and water with microbes to safeguard public health in any gathering Bushra, following several preventative ways to protect food from contamination, such as not to make the food exposed to insects and dust, and wash fruits and vegetables well, taking into account wash hands before and after eating any meal.


Major causes of pollution and types


First: bacterial contamination:

Avoid buying food from street vendors: This is a kind of pollution of the oldest types of pollution known to man and most prevalent. And food contaminated with bacteria harmful (relapsing fever), dysentery, and the bacteria secrete toxins as well as food produce satisfactory symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. These symptoms may be serious lead to death, such as Alboteuleny poisoning caused by canned and pickled fish corrupt.

The bacteria multiply and increase their rate of production of food toxins may be before or after eating food, usually have the effect of contaminated food faster and more if the food was contaminated before preparing it for consumption.


The most important causes of bacterial contamination:


Lack of attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness of the tools used to prepare foods and places.


Poor food handling and storage at improper temperatures or long periods of time allows bacteria actively polluting.


Lack of good food cooking and eating food from unreliable sources, particularly street vendors.


Second, pollution poisons fungi (mold):


Some types of fungi growing on food and secrete highly dangerous to human health, where toxins cause liver cancer and disrupt the functions of the heart and different tissues, as well as the occurrence of genetic changes and deform fetuses.

The food most prone to contamination with fungi (mold) are cereals such as wheat and corn, and legumes such as peanuts, lentils, beans, peas, dry peas, and so on bread and flour as well as different types of nuts such as hazelnuts, almonds, dried fruits such as figs, apricots, raisins, prunes and dates


The most important causes of fungal contamination:


Bad storage in high heat and humidity places.

Length of storage period and do not use the appropriate containers.


Third pesticide contamination:


Pesticides are used to protect agricultural production from various pests in order to increase production, and the presence of pesticide residues in most types of fruit and vegetables and fats, meat and poultry, fish, dairy and internal organs and glands, some rich in fat, such as the brain, kidneys and liver.

It returns dangerous pesticides they affect particularly the nervous system, disrupting the functions of various body organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart and reproductive organs, but the effect up to the most important components of the cell where genetic or carcinogenic effects occur or congenital malformation in newborns, and beyond it to an imbalance in the behavior of individuals, especially children. The seriousness of these pesticides are not only in the events of acute poisoning, which can lead to death, but in the incidence of chronic toxicity through exposure or eating people for small doses and for long periods of their lives.

It notes that children are the most influential members of the family of the dangers of pesticides, and this requires a greater effort to protect them from these dangers.


Fourth: The heavy metal pollution:


Became heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc and copper of the biggest problems facing the human at the moment where the lead human exposure and handling of these metals to the occurrence of certain diseases such as kidney failure, which became a frightening increase in the recent poisoning.

This leads to the kind of poisoning:

Glitch liver function and increase the incidence of abortion, anemia, may lead to further cases of mental retardation due to the harmful effect of these metals on the nervous system.

Most susceptible to contamination by heavy metals and foods are:

Water fish contaminated water sewage and factory waste.

Fruit and vegetable roadside where he offered it to pollution to car exhaust.

Food is coated and offered for sale on the roadside and with street vendors.

Canned food - especially acidic ones - which lead is used in welding packaging.


Protect food from contamination

Food is an easy way for the transfer of pathogenic microbes, so it must prevent the contamination of food and water with microbes to safeguard public health in any human gathering, following several preventative ways to protect food from contamination in general, including:


Prevention measures

For farmers, it must prevent the use of hazardous pesticides on health and the environment, in addition to reducing the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture, and replace them with organic fertilizers bio-pesticides as well as the use of farm irrigation water clean for watering plants, especially those eaten raw. As well as the slaughter of animals in the places allocated to them under the supervision of a health veterinarian.

Also must provide clean drinking water, by cleaning and disinfecting water tanks periodically. As well as prevent the sale of food exposed in any way. With a medical examination and laboratory League for workers in various food processing areas as factories food and restaurants As for the consumer, it prefers not to use plastic containers and nylon bags for food preservation.


Action to reduce food contamination


Choose foods and drinks fresh and stay away from preserved foods as much as possible.

Wash hands thoroughly before eating any food.

  Clean kitchen utensils before using them a good cleaning of

  Keep pets for food places.

  Prevent people infected with communicable diseases from food preparation or approach him.

  Remember fruits, vegetables and leftovers well and unrevealed, and the use of the refrigerator so.

Sterilized vegetables, fruits, and washed with soap and water before use

Boiled milk well and boil some kinds of cheese, and save them in the refrigerator when finished.

  When in doubt use a filter not clean or boiled, filtered and then drinking it.

Threw waste and scrap remaining food daily in the space, after putting them

In airtight bags



The principles of health and food safety:


- Prevent contamination of food through the spread of pathogens in humans, animals and insects.


- Separating raw foods away from the non-equipped with foods that have been prepared and cooked to prevent contamination of ready-cooked foods.


- Cook foods for the appropriate period of time and according to the proper temperature to kill the bacteria and pathogens.


- Storing foods at temperatures suitable temperature.


- Water, raw materials and health safe use.


Factors that affect the growth of bacteria:


- Food bacteria grow well in potentially hazardous and which are moist food, acidity

 Low and contain



- Water Bacteria need water for growth. Food in which the water activity ratio of about 0.85 or more can cause the growth of bacteria. Water activity is a measure of the amount of water available

 For bacteria.


- (PH):

Bacteria can not grow in high-acidity foods. Most bacteria grow in food with a pH of 4.6 and more. PH is a measure of the amount of the acid and the base

 In the product, which is measured on the runway of 0-14 and is considered a neutral figure 7 and be fed

Acidic if the grades under the number 7 and baseline if the above number 7.


- Oxygen Some bacteria require oxygen for growth and called aerobic and the other type can grow without

 The presence of air

However there are a lot of bacteria

It can grow in both cases and called facultative anaerobes.


- Temperature bacteria grow in a wide range of temperatures is the temperature of the common methods

 To control the growth of bacteria.

Bacteria grow slowly under temperatures - 41 ° F (5 ° m)

The bacteria begin to die on the heat -

35 ° F (5 ° m) or overheat.


Six Steps for cleaning and sterilization:


1. Before cleaning: Remove leftovers and rinsing with water



2. Cleaning: Washing with warm water and detergent; soaking if necessary.


3. Rinse: Rinse with clean water detergent residue.


4. Sterilization: Soaking in hot or putting sterilants and hot water to clean water.


5. The final rinse: If the use of sterilization materials, rinse with water sterilization materials



6. Drying: Drying by air is the preferred, otherwise Arise using towels

Clean. Pots must be completely dry before being stacked and re



* When washing by hand in a bowl Basin

A double guarantee:


• Access to the correct degree water temperature.


• follow the occupational health and safety procedures.


Contamination of food and ways to prevent it


 Food Contamination


Is food or water containing what makes it unfit for human or animal consumption, whether accurate or toxic chemicals or food contaminated objects deadly radioactive material, which may have on consumer eating disease, which is the most famous food poisoning disease.

Food is an easy way for the transfer of pathogenic microbes, so it must prevent the contamination of food and water with microbes to safeguard public health in any gathering Bushra, following several preventative ways to protect food from contamination, such as not to make the food exposed to insects and dust, and wash fruits and vegetables well, taking into account wash hands before and after eating any meal.


Major causes of pollution and types


First: bacterial contamination:

Avoid buying food from street vendors: This is a kind of pollution of the oldest types of pollution known to man and most prevalent. And food contaminated with bacteria harmful (relapsing fever), dysentery, and the bacteria secrete toxins as well as food produce satisfactory symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. These symptoms may be serious lead to death, such as Alboteuleny poisoning caused by canned and pickled fish corrupt.

The bacteria multiply and increase their rate of production of food toxins may be before or after eating food, usually have the effect of contaminated food faster and more if the food was contaminated before preparing it for consumption.


The most important causes of bacterial contamination:


Lack of attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness of the tools used to prepare foods and places.


Poor food handling and storage at improper temperatures or long periods of time allows bacteria actively polluting.


Lack of good food cooking and eating food from unreliable sources, particularly street vendors.


Second, pollution poisons fungi (mold):


Some types of fungi growing on food and secrete highly dangerous to human health, where toxins cause liver cancer and disrupt the functions of the heart and different tissues, as well as the occurrence of genetic changes and deform fetuses.

The food most prone to contamination with fungi (mold) are cereals such as wheat and corn, and legumes such as peanuts, lentils, beans, peas, dry peas, and so on bread and flour as well as different types of nuts such as hazelnuts, almonds, dried fruits such as figs, apricots, raisins, prunes and dates


The most important causes of fungal contamination:


Bad storage in high heat and humidity places.

Length of storage period and do not use the appropriate containers.


Third pesticide contamination:


Pesticides are used to protect agricultural production from various pests in order to increase production, and the presence of pesticide residues in most types of fruit and vegetables and fats, meat and poultry, fish, dairy and internal organs and glands, some rich in fat, such as the brain, kidneys and liver.

It returns dangerous pesticides they affect particularly the nervous system, disrupting the functions of various body organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart and reproductive organs, but the effect up to the most important components of the cell where genetic or carcinogenic effects occur or congenital malformation in newborns, and beyond it to an imbalance in the behavior of individuals, especially children. The seriousness of these pesticides are not only in the events of acute poisoning, which can lead to death, but in the incidence of chronic toxicity through exposure or eating people for small doses and for long periods of their lives.

It notes that children are the most influential members of the family of the dangers of pesticides, and this requires a greater effort to protect them from these dangers.


Fourth: The heavy metal pollution:


Became heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc and copper of the biggest problems facing the human at the moment where the lead human exposure and handling of these metals to the occurrence of certain diseases such as kidney failure, which became a frightening increase in the recent poisoning.

This leads to the kind of poisoning:

Glitch liver function and increase the incidence of abortion, anemia, may lead to further cases of mental retardation due to the harmful effect of these metals on the nervous system.

Most susceptible to contamination by heavy metals and foods are:

Water fish contaminated water sewage and factory waste.

Fruit and vegetable roadside where he offered it to pollution to car exhaust.

Food is coated and offered for sale on the roadside and with street vendors.

Canned food - especially acidic ones - which lead is used in welding packaging.


Protect food from contamination

Food is an easy way for the transfer of pathogenic microbes, so it must prevent the contamination of food and water with microbes to safeguard public health in any human gathering, following several preventative ways to protect food from contamination in general, including:


Prevention measures

For farmers, it must prevent the use of hazardous pesticides on health and the environment, in addition to reducing the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture, and replace them with organic fertilizers bio-pesticides as well as the use of farm irrigation water clean for watering plants, especially those eaten raw. As well as the slaughter of animals in the places allocated to them under the supervision of a health veterinarian.

Also must provide clean drinking water, by cleaning and disinfecting water tanks periodically. As well as prevent the sale of food exposed in any way. With a medical examination and laboratory League for workers in various food processing areas as factories food and restaurants As for the consumer, it prefers not to use plastic containers and nylon bags for food preservation.


Action to reduce food contamination


Choose foods and drinks fresh and stay away from preserved foods as much as possible.

Wash hands thoroughly before eating any food.

  Clean kitchen utensils before using them a good cleaning of

  Keep pets for food places.

  Prevent people infected with communicable diseases from food preparation or approach him.

  Remember fruits, vegetables and leftovers well and unrevealed, and the use of the refrigerator so.

Sterilized vegetables, fruits, and washed with soap and water before use

Boiled milk well and boil some kinds of cheese, and save them in the refrigerator when finished.

  When in doubt use a filter not clean or boiled, filtered and then drinking it.

Threw waste and scrap remaining food daily in the space, after putting them

In airtight bags



The principles of health and food safety:


- Prevent contamination of food through the spread of pathogens in humans, animals and insects.


- Separating raw foods away from the non-equipped with foods that have been prepared and cooked to prevent contamination of ready-cooked foods.


- Cook foods for the appropriate period of time and according to the proper temperature to kill the bacteria and pathogens.


- Storing foods at temperatures suitable temperature.


- Water, raw materials and health safe use.


Factors that affect the growth of bacteria:


- Food bacteria grow well in potentially hazardous and which are moist food, acidity

 Low and contain



- Water Bacteria need water for growth. Food in which the water activity ratio of about 0.85 or more can cause the growth of bacteria. Water activity is a measure of the amount of water available

 For bacteria.


- (PH):

Bacteria can not grow in high-acidity foods. Most bacteria grow in food with a pH of 4.6 and more. PH is a measure of the amount of the acid and the base

 In the product, which is measured on the runway of 0-14 and is considered a neutral figure 7 and be fed

Acidic if the grades under the number 7 and baseline if the above number 7.


- Oxygen Some bacteria require oxygen for growth and called aerobic and the other type can grow without

 The presence of air

However there are a lot of bacteria

It can grow in both cases and called facultative anaerobes.


- Temperature bacteria grow in a wide range of temperatures is the temperature of the common methods

 To control the growth of bacteria.

Bacteria grow slowly under temperatures - 41 ° F (5 ° m)

The bacteria begin to die on the heat -

35 ° F (5 ° m) or overheat.


Six Steps for cleaning and sterilization:


1. Before cleaning: Remove leftovers and rinsing with water



2. Cleaning: Washing with warm water and detergent; soaking if necessary.


3. Rinse: Rinse with clean water detergent residue.


4. Sterilization: Soaking in hot or putting sterilants and hot water to clean water.


5. The final rinse: If the use of sterilization materials, rinse with water sterilization materials



6. Drying: Drying by air is the preferred, otherwise Arise using towels

Clean. Pots must be completely dry before being stacked and re



* When washing by hand in a bowl Basin

A double guarantee:


• Access to the correct degree water temperature.


• follow the occupational health and safety procedures.


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