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Can you give everybody what they want?

Question added by amir ahmed nagaty , customer cerveic in stor&cashier&bake store charge , max fashion retail
Date Posted: 2013/06/24
Amol Harishchandra Mhaskar
by Amol Harishchandra Mhaskar , MRI Field Service Engineer , Time Medical Limited

No you cannot give everybody what they want but you can try to give them by prioritizing depending upon the importance of it ..

moustafa kamel ahmed
by moustafa kamel ahmed , امين مخازن , شركه المقاولات المصريه

yes in the work but in the real live no

frank ugbuta
by frank ugbuta , Teller Service Representative (TSR) , Diamond Bank Plc

Its really but at work and real because its a thing of mind-set and commitment

Essam Saeed Mohammed Noman
by Essam Saeed Mohammed Noman , Server and Network Support Engineer , Small Business Companies

In the business filed you have to be good listening for your managers But , in real life that's up to you ..

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