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Show him how the top performer is enjoying his position in the company, how much more money he is making through sales incentive, how easily he completes his target within the20th of every month. Then seriously understand the reason for the team members reasons for non performance and help him to over come the issues faced by him. These steps will definitely motivate anyone. who is really interested in building a sales career irrespective of the company he works.
Know Your Sales Team
Encourage them to Share with You
Rewarding Achievements
Be honest
Offer additional training/course if required to better their knowledge/skills
Respect and treat them equally
Team building
Will not resort to instigate any bribing methods.
Conduct regular meeting at short intervals: give them an exact picture of the current position: Clearly highlight them the short falls in their targets and the number of days ahead to complete the target. Help them with additional staffs or accompany myself if the situation require so. Provide them some additional facilities and expense budgets.
Involve Them in Setting Goals
Recognize their Effort
1. Encourage for good work.
2. Employee champion.
3. Asset for the organization.
- Inspiring
- Coaching
- Rewarding
- Challenging
- ..... sometimes reminding them with consequences (if not....)
Agreed with the answers to colleagues
Thanks for the invitation
Good question
The use of the material and moral stimulation with all team members and connecting the physical stimulation with achieving goals to reach for the best results