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- Price
- Quality
- Reputation (Company, brand,..)
- Awareness
- Availability
- Advertisement
- Personal advice from Sales
- Financial status of customer
- Services
- Publicity
- People arround
Awerness about Product
Social Influncer
Customer Choice mainly depends on financial capacity of the customer,good3D advertisement of the product,product exchange value,easy hasslesfree loan on product,long durability of product,good investment on return against product purchased etc.
1-Cultural Factors
2-Psychological Behaviors
3-Social Factors
4-Personal Factors
I am a great fan of Philip Kotler in this topic ...
Consumers Character:
Consumers Decision Process:
Problem recognition.
Information search.
Post-Purchase behaviour.
Main factors which nfluence consumer choices are:
Needs & wants
Customer service support which also includes the refund, return and exchange policy
In today's world with presence of too many ads, data, tv channels, brands, the customer's choice becomes more and more difficult. This applies to new products. Concerning traditional products customers prefer to stay in their comfort. When thinking of soft drinks they will directly think pepsi or coke even if a new product is present in the market with lower price. Moreover, country of origin plays a large role in customer's choice. When we say shoes we think of italian product. Electronics we think and choose japanese products. Luxury cars Germany and so on.
On the contrary to people may think, ads are not always an influence to choose this product or that. As per my experience people do not trust ads these days anymore. You see an ad about something for a certain price and then you find that there are additional taxes or fees.
Bottom line is that customer's choice can never be controled or directed in one direction. In few seconds he may change his mind.
all the answers were correct , moreover the customer service of a staff member affects a lot the customer choice and willingness to buy
I think most of the responses here aptly asnwer the question. I would just like to add that "the consumer journey" around your core product or service will also influence their choice.
Consumers are presented with a variety of products and services to choose from in today's market. Several factors influence a consumer's purchasing decisions. They include psychological behaviors, family dynamics, social classes, and the buying process. These factors help advertisers create successful marketing campaigns that catch the eye of the consumer.