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1-Search or belongings in your photos for something written or below, it is possible to have left the address or telephone number 2-look at social networking sites named or even educational qualification 3 - Try to reach mutual friends with you that they can give you information about him
If you lost his/her abroad address contact his/her home in your living country.
If you know his/her abroad address contacts him/her directly and starts your connection again.
If you don't know his/her address totally but only know his/her name then search through social media where you should write his/her name and search through pictures or names showing his details from where you will find him.
Even on Social media he/she is not available then goes to his home town and meets with his parents, relatives and asks them personally about your friend location and address.
If you know your friend address and you have good connection with him/her just you want to bring him/her to your homeland back then you must help him/her to find a good job and try your best to convince him or her to come back to your home land.
Nowadays people keep connections by many ways so try any of the above and be happy. If your friend is happy then why you are sad you must also become happy because many of our good friends living in many places of world where they are enjoying so be happy and don’t be sad .....):
Really sorry for that , why dont you looking in FB through his name in different ways ( full name , first with surname or with his nickname .. etc ) in languages that he speake it. , there also a good idea ask for help from competent authorities in the country that you think he is there , if u know sombody living there tell him to go to competent authorities .
u will find him :)
Hello and thank you for the invitation If you want your friends abroad, you should constantly communicate with them through social networking sites Or go to them if you need it But if you want to retrieve a friend of yours, you should really tell him to follow up and always communicate with him only
I respect every wherehe finds afriend psychological comfort
Whether at home or abroad
And the holiest place that respects the Human