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Why some people do not like HR personnel?

Question added by Saiful Islam Hiron , Site HR Manager , Handicap International
Date Posted: 2014/09/14
Khatim Abbas Seed
by Khatim Abbas Seed , BUSINESS CONSULTANT , Google

I agree with a part of Mr. Mike Adrian Obaña's answer: "One reason as well could be that HR is a separate entity in the company and they can exercise their own power in the organization".


But I resolutely disagree with notion that "if people dislike HR-professionals then they're probably doing their job well". It's almost like saying: "If customers hate the Customer Service employees, then they're probably doing a good job!". Isn't Human (People) Resources' excellence supposed to be benchmarked against the sentiments those people have about their HR-related work, even if for a small part?


This type of thinking is exactly the cause of the problem; the absence of human-relational element in their (detached) application of policies. So, linking between those two contradicting arguments, the reason according to me lies in:


  1. The arrogance (bordering on apathy, sometimes) that HR professionals tend to have towards their MAJOR responsibility of catering to the needs of both the organization AND the employees in a seamless harmony. They tend to concentrate on the organizational part.
  2. The arrogance of other employees (bordering on belittling) towards the work of HR-professionals, as being one of secondary importance to Sales, Marketing or Accounting, for example, and as such not corresponding with hiring and firing power put in their hands.

I will have less trouble accepting the decisions of a HR professional who is actually more related to what other employees DO in an organisation instead of what they COST an organisation. A HR-manager with an extra background in any company's core function will undoubdetly function better + be liked and respected.


Mike Adrian Obaña
by Mike Adrian Obaña , Staff Nurse , Medeor 24x7 Hospital Dubai

I just have to be honest, probably because we are always introducing changes and we strictly adhere to the company policies. They don't like it.


If the people hate you, then you are actually doing your job well. HR is a diverse department that bridges the relationship of the employee to the company. In most cases, we introduce changes and policies that most people will not like, because maybe it was not what they were accustomed for, and most people are reluctant to changes. They still have that common stigma with HR people that they are strict and they will only care about the policies of the company. In reality, we are just doing our job. One reason as well could be that HR is a separate entity in the company and they can exercise their own power in the organization. Even if you are a top level manager or a well-known figure in the company, you still have to go through the HR process when you want something. That's why HR personnel has to be tough and exercise the balance of their relationship with the employees and the company policies.


They all like HR Personnel before the Interview.

Mohd Asif Ansari
by Mohd Asif Ansari , HR Administrator , Al Nasseej Al Arabi Factory Co. Ltd.

There are following points why people hate HR Personnel.

  1. Recruiters/HR are the gatekeeper and are keeping me from getting a job: We are not trying to keep you from getting a job! Our job is to place applicants in positions they are well suited for. Everyone thinks they are the best qualified for a position, but the truth is, the job market is extremely competitive. No matter how good you are, there is always someone better. Applying for jobs can be very frustrating and it is easy to get disheartened. Don't give up! Listen to constructive criticism from recruiters regarding your resume, interviewing skills, etc. A good recruiter is not just interviewing you to get an applicant pool. S(he) is genuinely trying to fill a position and you seemed to be initially qualified. If you are not referred to the hiring manager, chances are that you talked yourself out of the opportunity.
  2. Recruiters use automated systems or keywords to find applicants: While many recruiters do use keyword searches to find resumes, that is not the only determining factor. If I am conducting a search for an Electrical Engineer, I may use the keywords "Electric" AND "Engineer". If you want a position as an EE and your resume does not contain those words, then you are not going to be qualified. Once resumes are found, then it is up to the Recruiter to read further into the resume to determine whether the candidate is actually or possibly qualified. Of course not every Recruiter uses the same methodologies of searching for qualified applicants. Since I work for the Federal government, things are a bit different. Applicants are required to visit to actually apply for most Federal positions and the resume must CLEARLY contain qualifying experience.
  3. Recruiters are on power trips: Yes, bad Recruiters may be on power trips. Bad Recruiters have many vices, bad habits, and unprofessional behaviors. Just remember, not every one of us is bad. I LOVE what I do and have a general pleasant and professional disposition. For those of us that are good (or at least attempt to be), this is not just a job. I love placing people and there is no better feeling than making a job offer to someone and s(he) is screaming and/or laughing on the other end. This really makes my job worth it and is the reason I come back to work every day. Most of us are approachable.
  4. Recruiters are unresponsive: If you've ever dealt with a Recruiter, you know that some are NEVER available. You've called, you've emailed, yet have not gotten a response or generally feel ignored. This happens way too often. My advice to you...find a different Recruiter! There are too many of us out there for you to work with someone that treats you as an inconvenience. Good Recruiters will not ignore you. Don't expect someone to respond to your email within two minutes of sending it; however, if your emails or calls are returned within one business day, you probably have a good Recruiter. But, please don't think that you are the only candidate a Recruiter is working with and call/email every day. This is a sure fire way to get placed on the "ignore" list.
  5. It's easy to blame a Recruiter: Sometimes managers make the tough decisions to fire someone or not hire a seemingly qualified candidate, but don't have the heart to break it to the person. Guess what? It's easy to blame it on HR, because everyone already hates us! I have seen too many managers try to stay on the good side of employees, so the blame goes directly to HR. Easy, peasy.

As Saleh
by As Saleh , Recruitment Manager , Saudi House Recruitment

Believe that human resources management authority to serve the company and not the opposite, noting that the management of human resources is the representative of the employees and the company's representative together to offer services to staff on the one hand and be the second company to reduce costs without harm, the employee. 


Human Resource Management is the administration, which means the service of the employee and provide him all the possibilities so that he can provide for a friendly work through it and the management of human resources work to provide a work environment suitable for all employees of the company and to ensure stability

Deleted user
by Deleted user

I am that "some people" :P

Hani Fawareh
by Hani Fawareh , Human Resources Strategy Consultant , InfoSmart Management Consultancy

This type of negative feeling toward HR personnel related to their role in discipline and policies enhancement.  Furthermore, Some HR personnel may misuse the power of their role in handling discipline issues.

Ayman Esa Mustafa Farrag
by Ayman Esa Mustafa Farrag , مدير مالي , شركة الصفوف

Onl the someone how untidy,Committed don't love HR person  

If i may say not all hr are the same it depends on the hr role in the company.

Suhail Azeez
by Suhail Azeez , HR Business Partner , Emirates Flight Catering

It was great reading to the responses of Mr.Mike Adrian Obaña , Mr.Khatim Abbas Seed , Mr.Mohd Asif Ansari  and Mr. ashraf Saleh  .

There were valid points in all of them. And it helped me to get different viewpoints. Thanks for this question.


Therefore let me do not repeat the same opinion again but I just want to answer the question by highlighting this question itself!

=>Why some people do not like HR personnel?

Answer is as simple as that. There are always two sides for a coin. Some people might not like, and there are some people on other side who like! It is not necessary that everybody will support everything. Even great things in history was not liked by some people. I am not saying HR is always correct and perfect.


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