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Downright joy because the fairway renewed energy and make every man reviewing what he has done to renew its activity and meet with Ahbabo
I feel sad, it takes time to get back in working mode.
Vacation is meant for rest and recuperation from routine works and spend the time in the family and friends & relatives to cement the relations and affections to them. This will give you extra energy and power and feel more responsibilities in your life which give a strong push to you to join the office and like the office atmosphere. Every time you join the office after vacation you feel joining afresh and your interpersonal relationships will be strengthened in office and enjoy a more comfortable workplace atmosphere than ever. Joining in the office after vacation is just like we participating in a Social Festival after a prolonged period:FEEL VERY HAPPY (it cleans up all minor minor mis-feelings in you with others if so happened to be)
KOI BECHR KR CHALA JHAY GHUM NAHI HOTA ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
well it is difficult question to answer:)
But i believe we should Actively plan for our return in Advance from vacations.
we are professional and in life we always manage our personal life with professional life in balancing way,
I feel more than happy to go back into action, meet my colleagues, talk to clients...
HAPPY, a rest rejuvinate your kind of feel fresh and ready to put more.